EVENT: FolderBeforeImport
SYNOPSIS: Calls FTP / SFTP server to download files before the import cycle.
DESCRIPTION: FTP / SFTP is designed to download files from an FTP/SFTP server so those files can be imported. Before a folder is processed, this Add-In will contact the configured FTP/SFTP server and download any files that it needs and write them to the output folder. Then the Importer will proceed with its import cycle to import the downloaded files.
CONFIGURATION: You need to specify the folder in which to write the downloaded files, the FTP/SFTP server information and the files to download.
Output: The folder in which to write the downloaded files. If you leave it blank then the base import folder will be used.
FTP Server Name / URL: The IP address or URL of the FTP server. Do NOT include the FTP:// in the URL. Just use the server name/IP.
Secure: Check this ON to use SFTP and OFF to use standard FTP.
User Name: The user name to use to authenticate to the FTP server. If anonymous accounts are used then the server will sometimes expect the name "anonymous" with no password.
Password: The password to use to authenticate to the FTP server.
FTP Folder: The folder on the FTP server to find the files to download.
File Pattern: The pattern of the file names to download. Use wild cards such as * and ? that your FTP server will be familiar with.
Delete: Whether or not to delete the files from the FTP server after download.
Recursive: If checked ON then all folders under the FTP Folder will be downloaded. If checked OFF then only the files directly in the FTP Folder will be downloaded.