1. Create a work trigger called Record Split (can be renamed if you like) and make sure its VIEW is set to "Indexing - Document Split". This will trigger the auto-split routine to be run as well as the splitting screen to come up when users click on the work item.

  1. For Manual Splitting: Set the assignment to whomever will be doing the splitting of the documents.It can be any combination of user(s) and/or team(s).

  1. For Automatic Splitting: 
    1. Make sure to not use any user for assignment. You do not want the process to assign it to any user if you are using automatic splitting. 
    2. In order to use automatic splitting you need to configure the trigger to use the Split Documents action type in the Assignment actions and turn ON the Perform Automatic Splitting option.
    3. You may also need to use one or more of the @Split values
      1. @SPLIT_BREAKCODE = This is the text or bar code to look for on a page to produce a split.
      2. @SPLIT_OCRCODE = This is the text to look for on a page to produce a split. This will NOT use bar codes.
      3. @SPLIT_BARCODE = This is the bar code to look for on a page to produce a split. This will NOT use OCR text.
      4. @SPLIT_BREAKPAGECOUNT = This is the number of pages to split on. 
      5. @SPLIT_KEEPBREAKPAGE = This tells the system whether to keep or discard the break page
        1. If you do not use this variable then the break page is discarded by default
        2. Set to FIRST to keep the break page as the first page of the next record
        3. Set to LAST to keep the break page as the last page of the current record

  1. Under the trigger activation rules, set it to look for a variable named @SPLIT with a value of YES. We will use this later in the configuration.

Next Step: Indexing Trigger