Email Server Settings
Default 'From' Address
The email address to which outgoing emails default. Some areas of the system will set the FROM address to the user sending the emails. However, for automated emails (workflow alerts, etc.) this default FROM address will be used.
Default Reply To Address
This sets the Reply To address that is used so when users reply to emails, that email address is where the emails go.
Email Server
This is the full address of the SMTP server the system will use to relay emails. This can be a DNS name or IP address.
* This setting should be left empty for cloud / hosted versions of DocMgt unless you wish to your own SMTP server
Server Port
The port number that the SMTP server is listening on. For non-secured servers, port 25 is normally used.
* This setting should be left empty for cloud / hosted versions of DocMgt unless you wish to your own SMTP server
SSL Required
If your server requires secure connections, check this on.
* This setting should be left empty for cloud / hosted versions of DocMgt unless you wish to your own SMTP server
User Name
The user name (if any) that is used to authenticate with the SMTP server to send the emails.
* This setting should be left empty for cloud / hosted versions of DocMgt unless you wish to your own SMTP server
The password (if any) that is used to authenticate with the SMTP server to send the emails.
* This setting should be left empty for cloud / hosted versions of DocMgt unless you wish to your own SMTP server
When you get your SMTP information filled in you can click the "Send Test Email" button to send a test mail. If there is an error sending you will be shown an error message. If the email sends you will want to be sure to check your inbox to make sure you get the email. The email will be sent to the email address you have on file for your user so be sure your user account is set up with a valid email address before using this function.
Common Examples
Port: 587
Secure: yes
Login Name: Gmail user name
Password: Gmail password
Port: 587
Secure: yes
Login Name: Office 365 user name
Password: Office 365 password
Port: 587
Secure: yes
Login Name: Outlook user name
Password: Outlook password
Yahoo Mail
Port: 587
Secure: yes
Login Name: Yahoo user name
Password: Yahoo password
Please note that the settings above may change and are out of our control.
* If you choose to use your own SMTP server with the cloud version then you accept the additional administration that goes along with that.
Advanced Administrative Users Only!
This advanced option for SMTP email can speed up email processing on your server but it takes some work on the server side to make this work properly. You can add an entry into the web.config file in IIS that saves all outgoing emails into a folder instead of sending them right away. This will increase the throughput of the system if it has heavy email functionality which can happen if you have a lot of Work Triggers or a lot of Asset Tracking happening.
- Add the following to your web.config in the "configuration" section.
<smtp deliveryMethod="SpecifiedPickupDirectory">
<specifiedPickupDirectory pickupDirectoryLocation="YOUR PATH HERE!"/>
* Change the pickupDirectoryLocation to a path you have set up for dropping the emails.
- Install an email server with capabilities of processing the drop folder. Here are some examples:
- Microsoft SMPT Server - Read 3rd party setup instructions here
- Exchange Server - TechNet article on configuring Exchange Server to pick up emails
- EmailRelay -