Indexing Automation is fairly simple to configure once you know what it is you are trying to accomplish. The system keys off special field names to determine what to do with the documents. By knowing and using these special fields you can configure the process to work in several ways to meet your needs.

Step 1: Configure Work Triggers

Since Indexing Automation is dependent on the workflow, this must be configured first so the other components can be configured to match. You will need one work trigger for each step of the process. If you want to use the full extent of the system then you will need 4 triggers - OCR, SPLIT, INDEX and CLASSIFY.

Next Step: Configure Work Triggers

Step 2: Configure Record Type(s)

This record type is set up specifically for Indexing Automation purposes and should be separate from your normal record types. In the indexing phase of the automation we will assign the actual records that are being indexed to the proper record type and the information will be re-assigned correctly at that time.

You can use one or many record types depending on your needs. It is not uncommon to have a few record types set up for Indexing Automation - each of which is configured to work a little differently depending on the input and output need of the information.

Next Step: Configure Record Types

Step 3: Testing

Make sure to test your configuration thoroughly for different scenarios. Make sure to change split page counts when using the page count split method. Or try testing with different possible split values when using the break code method.

Next Step: Testing