Server Variables
Variable |
Action or Value |
Example |
[DEL] |
Deletes variable from the Record |
Not valid on Filters |
Full URL of the server | |
Returns the version of DocMgt that is running on the server |
3.35.0000.00000 |
Returns the URL for the Public image banner used in the Public Search screen and as the default E-form image. |
[SERVERBANNERURL] = https://images/abc.png |
Branding Colors: [Color_Toolbar_Text] [Color_Panel_Header_BG] [Color_Panel_Header_Text] [Color_Panel_Body_BG] [Color_Panel_Body_Text] [Color_Panel_Heading_Header_BG] [Color_Panel_Heading_Header_Text [Color_Button_BG] [Color_Button_Text] [Color_Modal_Header_BG] [Color_Modal_Header_Text] [Color_Modal_Footer_BG] [Color_Modal_Footer_Text] |
You can use the color options from the Branding system for variables. This is most useful in E-Forms where you can set a table header color equal to the [Color_Panel_Header_BG] color code to keep form colors in sync with the branding colors. The return value is a HEX color code |
[Color_Toolbar_Text] = #ff0000 |
Branding URLs: [Brand_BannerURL] [Brand_ToolbarIconURL] [Brand_ToolbarBGImageURL] |
Images in the Branding section are also available for use as variables: |
[Brand_BannerURL] = the URL to the image on the login page above the login panel [Brand_ToolbarIconURL] = The ICON in the upper left of the tool bar [Brand_ToolbarBGImageURL] = The image used as a background image for the tool bar (not commonly used) |
[PG] |
Page Number |
Bates Stamping Only |
[PGS] |
Page Count |
Bates Stamping Only |
[SERVERDATA(name)] |
Returns the data value from the SERVER based on the data name (var) supplied. The Server has its own data collection just like Records. This variable allows you to retrieve the value of data elements stored in the Server. You can use the "Server Field Update" action in workflow to set values at the Server level. |
[SERVERDATA(test)] = cat |
[FIELDOPTIONS(RecordType|FieldName|del)] |
Returns delimited list of options defined for a field. RecordType = The ID or Name of the Record Type in which to look for the matching field. FieldName = The Name of the field that has the options defined. del = The delimiter to use for the list. Defaults to , (comma) |
[FIELDOPTIONS(Invoices|Status|^)] = Active^Approved^Paid [FIELDOPTIONS(1|Status|:)] = Active:Approved:Paid |
[OCRPAGECOUNT(From|To|Type)] |
Returns the number of OCR pages processed in the given time frame From = The first date to start counting pages. Defaults to first of current month. To = The last date to count pages. Defaults to today. Type = The type of OCR job. Defaults to 0 (OCR and Barcodes Only). Possible Type Values -1 = All -2 = All Machine Learning Only 0 = OCR and Barcodes Only (No ML) 1 = OCR Only 2 = Barcodes Only 10 = Machine Learning - Receipts 12 = Machine Learning - Invoices 13 = Machine Learning - IDs 14 = Machine Learning - Business Cards 15 = Machine Learning - W2s 16 = Machine Learning - General Forms |
[USAGE(type)] |
Returns Record and Document counts for the server. type = The type of count(s) to return - rec = Count of ALL Records - reca = Count of ACTIVE Records - recd = Count of DELETED Records - doc = Count of ALL Documents - doca = Count of ACTIVE Documents - docd = Count of DELETED Documents
[USAGE()] = {Records: 100, RecordsActive: 50, RecordsDeleted: 50, Documents: 10000, DocumentsActive: 9000, DocumentsDeleted: 1000} [USAGE(rec)} = 100 [USAGE(reca)} = 50 [USAGE(recd)} = 50 [USAGE(doc)} = 10000 [USAGE(doca)} = 9000 [USAGE(docd)} = 1000 |
Returns the IP Address of the current user. This is only accessible for web-based operations. Back end operations such as retention and follow up actions will not return anything. |
[CRONDESC(cron)] |
Returns human readable version of CRON expression cron = CRON expression |
[CRONDESC(0 0 8 1/1 * ? *)] = At 8:00 AM [CRONDESC(0 0 17 ? * MON-FRI *)] = At 05:00 PM, Monday through Friday |
[ERRORCOUNT(from|to)] |
Returns the number of errors that have been logged into the system within a date range FROM - The date FROM in the range TO - The date TO in the range * Dates are UTC in the database |
[ERRORCOUNT()] - Total # of errors since site started [ERRORCOUNT(1/1/2024)] - Total # of errors since 1/1/2024 [ERRORCOUNT(1/1/2024|1/31/2024)] - Total # of errors between 1/1/2024 and 1/31/2024 |