
Action or Value



Returns value at Row/Col within table by table name. Or returns JSON object with values if Row=0 or ColName blank.

Name = Name of the table

RowNum = The number of the row for the data. Leave blank to get all rows.

ColName = Name of the column to return. Leave blank for all columns.

RecordID = ID of Record from which to get the table data. Leave blank if data not saved to Record or if the Active Record has the data.

DocumentID = ID of Document from which to get the table data. Leave blank if data not saved to Document or if the Active Document has the data.

Where = data checks to specify which rows to return. USe the field=value syntax. Multiple can be used by separating them with ^.

For a table named Table1:

Name   Number   Other


Smith  123      Any

Jones  345      OtherVal

[TABLE(Table1|1|Name)]  = Smith
[TABLE(Table1|2|Other)] = OtherVal
[TABLE(Table1|1|Number)]= 123

For a complete row:

[TABLE(Table1|1)]= [{ "LineNumber": "1", "Name": "Smith"},{ "LineNumber": "1", "Number": "123"}, { "LineNumber": "1", "Other": "Any"}]

For all values in a column:

[TABLE(Table1||Number)]= [{ "LineNumber": "1", "Number": "123"}, { "LineNumber": "2", "Number": "345"}]

For all in a column where another column has a value:

[TABLE(Table1||Number||Name=Smith)]= [{ "LineNumber": "1", "Number": "123"}]


Returns the name of the first table found in Record data that contains the Search value. 

Search - Text to look for in table. Use wildcards of * for pattern matching.

HeaderOnly - If set to True then only search the header values and NOT the data. If set to False then the Header and Values are all searched for the Search value. Default = True.

Assume table named PEOPLE that looks like this:


John Doe   123 Main   Omaha

Jane Doe   321 Forest   Lincoln


[FINDTABLE(Omaha)] = (no match because looking at header only)


[FINDTABLE(Doe|False)] = (no match because data value is not exactly "Doe")



Returns the number of rows in an E-form table

TableName - Name of the table to count

Column - The name of the column to check for values. If you leave this blank then any value in any column will be counted as a row. If you enter a name then only values in that column will count. 

ByLineNum - Whether to return the maximum Line Number found or the count of the number of unique lines. True = Returns the highest line number found. False = Returns the number of lines found. Default = True.

RecordID = ID of Record from which to get the table data. Leave blank if data not saved to Record or if the Active Record has the data.

DocumentID = ID of Document from which to get the table data. Leave blank if data not saved to Document or if the Active Document has the data.

Where = data checks to specify which rows to return. Use the field=value syntax. Multiple can be used by separating them with ^.


[TABLEROWCOUNT(Items||False)] = 4

[TABLEROWCOUNT(Items|Num)] = 5

[TABLEROWCOUNT(Items|Num|False)] = 3

[TABLEROWCOUNT(Items|Num|False|||Num=2)] = 1

Above examples assume this data in a table named 'Items':

(# = line number)

  # First    Last      Num    Amount

  1 JOHN     SMITH     1      100

  2 JOHN     SMITH            100

  3 JOHN     SMITH     2      100

  5 JOHN     SMITH     6      100


Returns a list of the names of the tables in the current Record.

delimiter = Delimiter character for the list. Default is semi-colon ;





Returns a string that represents an HTML table from an E-form table

Table Name = Name of the E-form table from which to grab the data

Record ID - ID of the Record where the data is saved

Document ID - ID of the Document where the data is saved

Columns = ^ delimited list of column names of the data to put into the table. These are the data names of the columns as saved in the table - NOT the headers.

Headers = ^ delimited list of headers for the table columns to put into the table. These are the display names of the columns - NOT the data names.

Border - Border width for the table display. This is a number value of how thick to make the borders.

Width - Width of the entire table. Usually this is in percentages but it can be in pixels as well.

Table Style - The CSS style tags to place on the table element in the resulting HTML. Used mainly for sizing and coloring the table.

Header Row Style - The CSS style tags to place on the table header element in the resulting HTML. Used mainly for coloring the header row.

Data Row Style - The CSS style tags to place on the table data row elements in the resulting HTML. Used mainly for coloring the data rows.

[TABLETOHTML(Table1|123|124|EmpName^EmpAddress^EmpCity|Name^Address^City|1|100%|border-color: red;|background-color: black; color: white;|background-color: lightgray; color: black;)]

<table border="1" width="100%" style="border-color: red;">


<tr style="background-color: black; color: white;">







<tr style="background-color: lightgray; color: black;">

<td>John Smith</td>

<td>123 Maple</td>



