EVENT: DocumentAfterWrite, RecordBeforeWriteHeader, and RecordBeforeWriteLine

SYNOPSIS: Writes Document information into the Record CSV instead of into a special Document CSV

DESCRIPTION: Configure the Add-In to write Document Category, SubCategory, Name and FileName into the Record CSV in one of two ways. Single Line writes all Documents into a single CSV line for the Record. Multi Line writes each Document's data into its own line in the CSV file.

CONFIGURATION: You need to specify which mode to use - Single or Multiple.

Mode: Whether the write the Documents' CSV data as a single line or a line per Document.

NOTE: If you choose single line then the first document's Category, SubCategory and Name are used for those columns. Each document's file name is written at the end of the line.

Example output for each case:



17615,Contract Management,ACME,6/1/2021,Contract,SubCat,Certificate,15575.pdf,15574.pdf,15573.pdf

17616,Contract Management,Test 2,6/1/2021,Contract,SubCat,Dell,15576.pdf,15577.pdf,15578.pdf



17615,Contract Management,ACME,6/1/2021,Contract,SubCat,Certificate,15575.pdf

17615,Contract Management,ACME,6/1/2021,Contract,SubCat,Certificate,15574.pdf

17615,Contract Management,ACME,6/1/2021,Contract,SubCat,Certificate,15573.pdf

17616,Contract Management,Test 2,6/1/2021,Contract,SubCat,Dell,15576.pdf

17616,Contract Management,Test 2,6/1/2021,Contract,SubCat,Dell,15577.pdf

17616,Contract Management,Test 2,6/1/2021,Contract,SubCat,Dell,15578.pdf