EVENT: RecordFolderPathSet, RecordBeforeWriteHeader, LineItemBeforeWriteHeader, DocumentBeforeWriteHeader

SYNOPSIS: Merges all exported Records into the same CSV file set and folder structure

DESCRIPTION: Merge Exported Records is used to make a single export structure out of all Records and Documents exported. By default, Exporter will make a new folder for each Record exported. The CSV files and documents in that folder are only for that Record. This Add-In will merge all Records exported into one folder. CAUTION: If the Records exported are not all of the same Record Type then the data in the CSV will not properly line up and can cause data loss.

CONFIGURATION: You need to specify the folder in which you wish to write the CSV and documents.

Destination Folder: The folder in which to write the information. If you leave it blank the information will be written into the base folder. The path can be relative or absolute..