Bookmarklets are used for Web browser-based application integrations. You can set up bookmarklets to search for data in DocMgt based on information in another web page. For example, you can configure a bookmarklet to take the account number from QuickBooks Online and search for matching records in DocMgt - all with one mouse click.

Bookmarklets are created in the Administration section then the users will see them as buttons in their Account screen. They need to drag the bookmarklet button or buttons they wish to use onto their browser's favorite's bar. Then when they are in the other application and wish to perform a DocMgt search based on that application's data, they simply click that favorite (bookmarklet) on their tool bar and the bookmarklet does the rest.

Bookmarklets can search based on data from the browser's address bar (URL), a browsers form elements (text boxes, radio buttons, drop downs, etc.) and the highlighted text (text selected in the body of the browser document). Depending on the application with which you wish to integrate you need to choose the options that work for that scenario. For some applications you can use the exiting fields of data - visible or hidden - to get your data. From others there may not be an easy way to grab the correct data with having the user highlight something first.

General Settings


The type of call  to make - Search or Add-In


This is the name you give the bookmarklet. It is not shown to the users and is for administrative identification.


The descriptive text that will be shown to the users. This should explain what this bookmarklet does and give them any special instructions on usage.

Button Text

The text that will show for the users on the favorite's bar. Make it descriptive while using as few letters as possible. The favorites bar runs out of room quickly.

Source URL

The URL of the site for which you want to use this bookmarklet. If you leave it blank it will work on any site. If you enter something then whatever you enter must exist somewhere in the URL of the site. For instance, if you want it to work on any screen in QuickBooks Online (QBO) then you should use "". If you want a bookmarklet that only works on the check register screen of QBO then you should use "". You could just use "app/register" as well but then the bookmarklet would also work on any other site that had a page with "app/register" in its URL.

Field Search Mapping

This section is where you tell the bookmarklet which values to grab form the browser and what fields to search against in DocMgt. You can use as many fields as you would like to be able to search as specifically as possible However, there is one caveat to that. If you do a GLOBAL search (i.e. search for a value without specifying a field) then the search will ignore any mapped field searches. It is basically a global search OR specific search but you cannot do both.

DocMgt Search Field

This is the name of the field that you want to search for in DocMgt. The drop down lists in the box help you find the proper field without having to remember how to spell it so it is encouraged that you use that system. If you leave this field blank then you are asking the system to do a GLOBAL search based on the value it finds in the fields below.

Search Type

This tells the bookmarklet where to find the information to use for the search. Here are your options.

      • A Constant Value - Use this when you always want to search with a specific value. For instance you might use it to only find records where the STATUS is ACTIVE. In that case you would select STATUS in the Search Field and ACTIVE in this field.
      • Text selected in browser - whatever text is selected by the user will be used for the value. This includes text highlighted in the body (normal text) of the browser as well as text selected in text and text area fields. If the user is currently selecting an option in a drop down (SELECT) field then that value is used. The same is true for radio buttons and check boxes as long as they are selected and checked.
      • Form field value by field id - If you know the actual ID of the field in the browser that has the value you wish to use you can select this option and put the field id in the next field. This tells the bookmarklet to grab that field's value and use it. This works on TEXT, TEXTAREA, SELECT, RADIO and CHECKBOX fields.
      • Form field value by field name - If you know the name of the field in the browser that has the value you wish to use you can select this option and put the field id in the next field. This tells the bookmarklet to grab that field's value and use it. This will ONLY grab the value from the FIRST field of the specified name if there are more than one field with that name. This works on TEXT, TEXTAREA, SELECT, RADIO and CHECKBOX fields.
      • Form field value by custom tag name - If you do not have an ID or NAME tag on your desired field there may be a custom tag you can use. Find something unique about the field such as a "data-name" or 'data-address" tag that may or may not have a value in it. Then you can use a special; HTML tag query selector to refer to it. You do that by using brackets around the name of the tag and, if there is a value, add the value with an equals sign. Here is an example: For <input type="text" data-name="abc" value="123 Maple Street" /> you can use [data-name="abc"]. This finds the field with a data-address tag that is set to "abc".  This will ONLY grab the value from the FIRST field of the specified name if there are more than one field with that name. This works on TEXT, TEXTAREA, SELECT, RADIO and CHECKBOX fields.
      • Parameter value from URL - If the value you want is in the URL of the browser you can have the bookmarklet grab that value as well. The format of the  standard query string is http://server/path/page?variable=value. You want to use VALUE so you would tell the bookmarklet to grab whatever value is associated with VARIABLE. For instance, if the page you want to integrate with this URL - http://server/path/student?studentid=1234 (where 1234 changes based on the student that is on the screen) you would select the "Parameter value from URL" option then enter "studentid" in the Browser Parameter field (see below).