Connections are used to establish a link to another system. Current DocMgt supports SQL and Web connections.

SQL Connections are only available in premise systems - i.e. installed on your own servers.

Web Connections are available in any system.

In the list you will see the Connections currently configured. You can use the ADD button to add new Connection or you can choose to edit one by clicking on its entry in the list. If you wish to delete a Connection, click its delete icon on the far right. 

You can also import a Connection using the Import button the far right of the tool bar. 

Connection Name - This will show up in drop down lists to allow admins to select the Connection to use for workflow, Record Type Link fields, and more.

Type - The type of connection to make.

Connection String - The SQL connection string or the Web URL of the resource.

Username - (Web only) The Username to send for basic authenticated resources. Leave blank if not authentication is needed.

Password - (Web only) The Password to send for basic authenticated resources. Leave blank if not authentication is needed.