The Auto-Split Commit action allows you to commit split changes that were set previously but not committed

This action is part of our Indexing Automation tool kit. If you have previously set the split markers either manually or through automation you can use this action to save or commit those changes. 

Normally you would persist the splits at real time but sometimes it can be a slow process to save all the splits as separate records and route them. To solve this you can have the system just save the markers and defer the actual changes until later you can save end users' time so they can move on. Then you use this action in the next work trigger's Follow Up actions so the retention engine can process the splits. 


    • Split Type - If you are using the Invoice Processing engine you will most likely want to set this to "Invoice Split Processing" which will commit based on the internal invoice splitting process. If you are not using the Invoice Processing engine (or if you are doing the split logic manually) set this to "Custom Split Process" so the system will commit without the Invoice Processing logic.

    • First Record ID - Enter the name of the field in the current Record where the system will write in the ID of the first record created with the split.

    • All Record IDs - Enter the name of the field in the current Record where the system will write in the IDs of all records created with the split. The IDs will be separated by a semi-colon.

Here is a scenario to leverage this option in workflow:
    1. In the first split trigger turn OFF the "Commit Split Changes" option so the system will not commit the split changes but will save the commit markers for later use.
    2. Add a new split trigger that will process the splits and set it just below the previous trigger that creates the split markers.
    3. Assign this trigger to the DocMgt_Agent user so it will stop there
    4. Add a Follow Up action to this trigger with the Timing set to be 0 days, 0 hours after Assigned Date. This will make it fire off on the next retention cycle.
    5. Add 2 workflow actions to the follow up action
      1. Auto-Split Commit - Set the split type to match the split type you used in the first split trigger
      2. Complete Work Item - this makes the workflow move on 
    6. Add a button to the new trigger with its Default Complete option set to ON and be sure it changes the record so this trigger won't loop (via a flag field, etc.)