- Create a work trigger called Classify (can be renamed if you like) and make sure its VIEW is set to "Indexing - Classification Screen". This will trigger the classification screen to come up when users click on the work item.
- For Manual Classify: Set the assignment to whomever will be doing the data entry.It can be any combination of user(s) and/or team(s).
- For Automatic Classify:
- Make sure to not use any user for assignment. You do not want the process to assign it to any user if you are using automatic splitting.
- In order to use automatic classification you need to configure the trigger to use the Classify Documents action type in the Assignment actions.
- You may also need to use one or more of the @Classify values
- @SPLIT_KEEPBREAKPAGE = This tells the system whether to keep or discard the break page
- If you do not use this variable then the break page is kept by default
- Set to NO or FALSE to discard the break page
- Under the trigger activation rules, set it to look for a variable named @CLASSIFY with a value of YES. We will use this later in the configuration.
Next Step: Configure Record Type(s)