The Delete Object actions are included for Record, Document, and OCR objects

Delete Record

For the Delete Record action you are given a single field in which to set the ID of the Record to delete. If you leave this blank then the "current" record will be deleted. The current Record is the record that is being routed or the record that is active when the Add-In calling this action is executed.

Delete Document

For the Delete Document action you are given the ability to specify which Documents to delete. Any document that matches the Category, Sub Category and Name specified will be deleted. If one or more of these fields are left empty then that means any document with anything in those fields would match. So, to delete all Documents in the "INVOICE" category simply put "INVOICE" into the Category field. The other 2 fields will be ignored when it comes to matching. That means any Sub Category or Name will be considered a match as long as the Documents are in the "INVOICE" category.

Also note that the values are NOT case sensitive.

You also have 2 other options:

"Check to delete all documents that match..." - Check this ON to delete ALL matching documents or OFF to just delete the first one the system finds.

"Check to PURGE documents instead of just deleting them" - Check this ON to fully PURGE the documents. This will make them unrecoverable and completely removed from the system.

Delete OCR Data

For the Delete OCR Data action there are no options. This will delete all OCR data in the current Record. This is useful for saving space in times where you need the OCR data for processing but don't need to use it for full text searching after the indexing process is complete.