Document Variables
Variable |
Action or Value |
Example |
ID of currently effected Document |
Available when Document exists |
Category of Document ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
HR |
Sub Category of Document ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
Application |
Name of Document ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
Scanned Page |
Extension of Document ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
Full Path and file name of Document ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
ScannedPage.PDF |
File name of Document ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
ScannedPage.PDF |
File name of Document without the extension ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
ScannedPage |
File name of Document as downloaded from the viewer ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
Scanned Page.PDF |
File name of Document as downloaded from the viewer without extension. This is normally the same as [DocumentName] unless the Document's name is blank then it would be the same as [DocumentID]. ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
Scanned Page |
The last date this Document was changed ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
3/13/2020 |
The date this Document was first created ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
3/1/2020 |
The size, in bytes, of the document. This will only be populated from version 3.29 and higher. If the document was saved before then and was not updated from a manual process then it will return 0. ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
123456 |
The number of pages in the document. This will only be populated once the document is processed by OCR or viewed manually. Until then it will return 0. ID = ID of document to check. If this call is made without the any parentheses then it will check the CURRENT document only unless you use the RECORDID parameter. RECORDID = If you pass a RecordID parameter without an ID parameter, this will return the FIRST document found in the selected Record. This is a quick shortcut for single-document records. |
11 |
[DOCCOUNT(RecordID|Cat|Name|SubCat)] |
Returns count of documents matching criteria RecordID = ID of Record (defaults to current if any) Cat = Document Category match Name = Document Name match SubCat = Document SubCategory match |
[DOCCOUNT(1)] = Count of all docs in Record ID 1 [DOCCOUNT(1|ABC)] = Count of all Record ID 1 docs in ABC Category [DOCCOUNT(1|ABC|A123|A)] = Count of all Record ID 1 docs in ABC Category / A SubCategory with the name of A123 [DOCCOUNT(1||A123)] = Count of all Record ID 1 docs with the name of A123 |
[DOCUMENTS(RecordID|Cat|Name|SubCat)] |
Returns list of documents matching criteria formatted as a JSON array RecordID = ID of Record (defaults to current if any) Cat = Document Category match Name = Document Name match SubCat = Document SubCategory match Included properties of JSON items: ID - ID of the Document Category - Category of where the Document is stored SubCategory - SubCategory of where the Document is stored Name - Name of the Document FileName - The filename used for the Document Extension - Extension of the filename |
[DOCUMENTS(1)] = [{"ID": 1, "Category": "Invoice", "SubCategory": "", "Name": "ACME Invoice", "FileName": "ACME Invoice.pdf", "Extension": "pdf"}] |
[DOCIDS(RecordID|Cat|Name|SubCat|Sep)] |
Returns the IDs of documents matching criteria separated with a delimiter/separator character RecordID = ID of Record (defaults to current if any) Cat = Document Category match Name = Document Name match SubCat = Document SubCategory match Sep = The separator character(s) to use in the string (default = comma) |
[DOCIDS(1)] = 1,2,3,4 All documents in Record ID 1 [DOCCOUNT(1|ABC)] = 1,2,3,4,5 All documents in Record ID 1 in ABC Category [DOCCOUNT(1|ABC|A123|A)] = 1,4 All documents in Record ID 1 in ABC Category / A SubCategory with the name of A123 [DOCCOUNT(1|ABC|A123|A|-)] = 1-4-5 All documents in Record ID 1 in ABC Category / A SubCategory with the name of A123 separated with a dash instead of a comma |
[DOCNAMES(RecordID|Cat|SubCat|Sep] |
Retrieves unique list of Document Names in the chosen Record / Category / SubCategory RecordID = ID of Record (defaults to current if any) Cat = Document Category match Name = Document Name match SubCat = Document SubCategory match Sep = The separator character(s) to use in the string (default = comma) |
[DOCNAMES(1|Cat1|Sub1)] = Resume,Hiring Docs |
Link to Document screen |
Workflow only |
URL to Document screen |
Workflow only |
[DOCUMENTBINARY64(DocumentID)] [DOCUMENTBINARY64(RecordID|Cat|Name|SubCat)] |
Returns the binary data of the document using 64-bit encoding. This is useful for getting an image that can be used in a Web page. DocumentID = ID of document (only works if used alone else it is replaced with RecordID) RecordID = ID of Record Cat = Document Category match Name = Document Name match SubCat = Document SubCategory match |
[DOCUMENTBINARY64(1)] = Returns binary of Document with ID 1 [DOCUMENTBINARY64(123|Invoice)] = Returns the binary of the first document in the Invoice category in the Record with an ID of 123 |
[DOCUMENTTEXT(DocumentID)] [DOCUMENTTEXT(RecordID|Cat|Name|SubCat)] |
Returns the text data of any text-based document. DocumentID = ID of document (only works if used alone else it is replaced with RecordID) RecordID = ID of Record Cat = Document Category match Name = Document Name match SubCat = Document SubCategory match |
[DOCUMENTTEXT(1)] = Returns text of Document with ID 1 [DOCUMENTTEXT(123|Invoice)] = Returns the text of the first document in the Invoice category in the Record with an ID of 123 |
[DOCLINE(DocumentID|Text)] [DOCLINENUM(DocumentID|Text)] |
Returns the text (DOCLINE) or line number (DOCLINENUM) of the first line in a text file that matches Text. You can do a complete match or pattern match using wildcards. DocumentID - ID of the Document to search for Text Text - The text to search for. This can include wildcards such as * to find patterns. |
[DOCLINE(43331|*Grand*Total*)] = Your grand total (USD) is $123.45 [DOCLINENUM(43331|*Grand*Total*)] = 24 Combine with SPLIT or SPLIT2 to find values in text files for indexing. [SPLIT([DOCLINE(123|*Grand*Total*(USD)*)]|(USD)|2)] = $123.45 |
[EFORMDATA(var|separator|firstonly|likematch)] |
Returns the data value from the RECORD 's EFORM Data based on the data name (var) supplied. var = The name of the variable to return separator = If you are returning more than one value this is used to separate them in the return string. The default is ;. firstonly = Set to YES, Y, TRUE, or 1 to return only the first match. The default is false likematch = Set to YES, Y, TRUE, or 1 to use LIKE syntax (with * as a wildcard) to find the proper variable name |
[EFORMDATA(name)] = John Smith;Adam Jones;Third Person [EFORMDATA(name|,)] = John Smith,Adam Jones,Third Person [EFORMDATA(name*||true|true)] = John Smith |
[DOCDATA(var|Separator|FirstOnly|LikeMatch|LineNum)] |
Returns the data value from the DOCUMENT based on the data name (var) supplied. Every Document has a data collection just like Records. This variable allows you to retrieve the value of a data element stored in the Document. var = The name of the variable to return separator = If you are returning more than one value this is used to separate them in the return string. The default is ;. firstonly = Set to YES, Y, TRUE, or 1 to return only the first match. The default is false likematch = Set to YES, Y, TRUE, or 1 to use LIKE syntax (with * as a wildcard) to find the proper variable name linenum = the line number of the data to return. Typically Documents do not use line items but it is technically possible. |
[DOCDATA(name)] = John Smith;Adam Jones;Third Person [DOCDATA(name|,)] = John Smith,Adam Jones,Third Person [DOCDATA(name||Yes)] = John Smith |
[DOCIDDATA(ID|var|Sep|First)] |
Returns the data value from the DOCUMENT based on the ID and data name (var) supplied. ID = ID of the Document from which to retrieve the data value. VAR = Name or the data variable to retrieve SEP = Separator to use if more than one match found FIRST = Set to YES, Y, TRUE, or 1 to return only the first match. The default is true. |
[DOCIDDATA(12|name)] = John Smith;Adam Jones;Third Person [DOCIDDATA(12|name|,)] = John Smith,Adam Jones,Third Person [DOCIDDATA(12|name||Yes)] = John Smith |
[DATAANNO(Page|Name|l|t|w|h)] [DATAIDANNO(DocID|Page|Name|l|t|w|h)] |
Returns the value that is stored as a Data Annotation in the current document. Optional specifying the coordinates in which to limit the lookup. ID = ID of the Document where the data annotation is stored Page = The page number where the data annotation is stored Name = The name of the data annotation l = left coordinate t = top coordinate w = width h = height Use the l, t, w, h to specify a section of the document to look for values. Leave any 0 if that is not required. Data Annotations are stored as DataName = DataValue pairs. You can use the Apply Annotation workflow action to add data annotations. This variable allows you to retrieve them later. Data Annotations are also applied automatically using the certain automated process such as the Invoice Processing system. The invoice data read from each page is available in that page's Data Annotation collection. |
[DATAANNO(1|InvoiceNumber)] = INV123 (gets the InvoiceNumber value from page 1's Data Annotation collection) [DATAIDANNO(12|1|InvoiceNumber)] = INV123 (gets the InvoiceNumber value from Document ID 12's, page 1 Data Annotation collection) |
[DOCCATEGORIES(recid|del)] |
Retrieves unique list of Document Categories in the chosen Record recid = ID of the Record to pull list del = Delimiter for the list (defaults to comma) |
[DOCCATEGORIES(1)] = Cat1,Cat2,Cat3 |
[DOCSUBCATEGORIES(recid|cat|del)] |
Retrieves unique list of Document SubCategories in the chosen Record / Category recid = ID of the Record to pull list cat = Category to pull list del = Delimiter for the list (defaults to comma) |
[DOCSUBCATEGORIES(1|Cat1)] = Sub1,Sub2 |
[HASANNOS(DocID|AnnoType|true|false)] |
Checks whether the active or specified document has annotations of the specified type(s). DocID = ID of the document to check AnnoType = Type number of the annotation to check for Free Hand = 1 Line = 2 Rectangle Filled = 3 Rectangle = 4 Arrow = 5 Text = 6 Image = 7 Ellipse = 8 Ellipse Filled = 9 Check = 10 X = 11 Star = 12 Sign Here 1 = 13 Initial Here 1 = 14 Sign Here 2 = 15 Initial Here 2 = 16 Name Here 1 = 17 Email Here 1 = 18 Company Here 1= 19 Title Here 1 = 20 Name Here 2 = 21 EmailHere 2 = 22 Company Here 2 = 23 Title Here 2 = 24 Date Signed 1 = 25 Sign Here 3 = 26 Initial Here 3 = 27 Name Here 3 = 28 Email Here 3 = 29 Company Here 3 = 30 Title Here 3 = 31 Date Signed 2 = 32 Date Signed 3 = 33 Data Annotation = 34 Notes: Leave Empty to specify ALL types SIG = Special code for all signature annotations Use ^ to specify more than one (i.e. 1^2^3) true = Value to return if the document HAS these annotations false = Value to return if the document DOES NOT HAVE these annotations |
[HASANNOS(123|3^4|YES|NO)] = YES (if there are any rectangle annotations) |
[DOCSWITHANNOS(RecordID|AnnoType)] |
Returns the IDs of the Documents in the specified Record that has annotations of the specified type(s). RecordID = ID of the Record to check AnnoType = Type number of the annotation to check for Free Hand = 1 Line = 2 Rectangle Filled = 3 Rectangle = 4 Arrow = 5 Text = 6 Image = 7 Ellipse = 8 Ellipse Filled = 9 Check = 10 X = 11 Star = 12 Sign Here 1 = 13 Initial Here 1 = 14 Sign Here 2 = 15 Initial Here 2 = 16 Name Here 1 = 17 Email Here 1 = 18 Company Here 1= 19 Title Here 1 = 20 Name Here 2 = 21 EmailHere 2 = 22 Company Here 2 = 23 Title Here 2 = 24 Date Signed 1 = 25 Sign Here 3 = 26 Initial Here 3 = 27 Name Here 3 = 28 Email Here 3 = 29 Company Here 3 = 30 Title Here 3 = 31 Date Signed 2 = 32 Date Signed 3 = 33 Data Annotation = 34 Notes: Leave Empty to specify ALL types SIG = Special code for all signature annotations Use ^ to specify more than one (i.e. 1^2^3) |
[DOCSWITHANNOS(12|3^4)] = Returns IDs of all documents in Record 12 that have Rectangle annotations [DOCSWITHANNOS(12)] = Returns IDs of all documents in Record 12 with ANY annotations |
List of documents missing as defined in the Record Type. Optional Delimiter to specify how to separate the missing documents in a string |
[MISSINGDOCS] = CAT: invoice / NAME: PO; CAT: invoice / NAME: Inv [MISSINGDOCS(^)] = CAT: invoice / NAME: PO^CAT: invoice / NAME: Inv |