
Action or Value



Current User's Full Name

Admin User


Current User's First Name



Current User's Last Name



Current User's Full Name

Admin User


Current User's ID



Current User's Email Address


Current User's Login Name



Current User's SMS number



Current User's Manager





Current User's Phone Number (1-3)





Current User's Address (1-3)

123 Maple Street


Date of the user's last password change



The Other Info field from the user



The start page for this user. Users with no custom start page will return / 

[USERSTARTPAGE] = /V4/form/123


Login token for the current user. This can be used as a one-time login token.

<random token here>




Returns the current or specified user as a JSON object UNLESS a prop (property) is specified. Then it returns just that property.

If username parameter is not set it will use the current user.

If a username is specified and that user is not found then nothing is returns.

If a property is specified and that property is a valid property of the User object it will return that property value.

Common User properties:

 - ID

 - Email

 - FirstName

 - LastName

 - Name

 - FullName

 - UserName 

 - OtherInfo

 - Manager

 - Admin

 - Reporting

To see a currently list of properties you can use [USER()] in the variable tester.


FindBy / FindVal - this allow you to find a user using another property such as OtherInfo. If you specify FindBy/FindVal then the username property is ignored. 

If multiple users have the same FindBy/FindVal combination then only the first user that matches will be returned. The order cannot be guaranteed.

FindBy Properties:

 - ID

 - Email

 - FirstName

 - LastName

 - Name

 - FullName

 - UserName 

 - OtherInfo

 - Address1

 - Address2

 - Address3

 - SMSNumber

 - Phone1

 - Phone2

 - Phone3

[USER()] - returns JSON object of current user

[USER(admin)] - returns JSON object of the user with the username of 'admin'

[USER(admin|email)] - returns the email address for the user with the username of 'admin'

[USER(|email|OtherInfo|ABC)] - returns the email address for the FIRST user with the Other Info field of 'ABC'


Returns a list of user properties from users in a team

team = name of team to find (can be multiple teams if separated by tilde - ~). If team not specified then all users are returned.

prop - Delimited list of properties for users from specified team. Possible User Property Values:

ID = ID number of user

FIRSTNAME = First name of user

LASTNAME = Last name of user

EMAIL = Email address of user

USERNAME = User name (login name) of user

NAME or FULLNAME = Full name of user (or USERNAME if FIRST and LAST are not available)

GUID = The GUID assigned to the user.

OTHERINFO = The OtherInfo field which is typically used for integration purposes.

MANAGER = The Manager currently set for a user (returns username of the manager's user object)

ADDRESS1 to ADDRESS3 = The Address1, Address2 or Address3 property for the user

PHONE1 to PHONE3 = The Phone1, Phone2 or Phone3 property for the user

Delimiter - The character(s) to use to separate the returned properties. 

* If no property is specified then the user list is returned as a JSON collection.

all - If more than one team is specified then setting this to TRUE (or leaving blank) will make sure to return only the users that are in ALL of the teams specified. If set to FALSE then it will return all of the users that are in ANY of the teams specified.

[USERS(Mgrs|EMAIL|;)] = returns semicolon-delimited list of email address for all users in the “Mgrs” team

[USERS(|NAME|;)] = returns semicolon-delimited list of full names for all users

[USERS(team1~team2~team3|Email|;)] = returns semicolon-delimited list of email addresses for all users that are in team1, team2, AND team3.

[USERS(team1~team2~team3|Email|;|False)] = returns semicolon-delimited list of email addresses for all users that are in team1, team2, OR team3.


Returns a list of user properties from users that have properties set to a specific value

propname = name of property to use to find the users. Supports the property list below.

propval = value of property to use to find the users. Matching is not case sensitive and does support basic wildcards with *.

prop - Delimited list of properties for users from specified team. Possible User Property Values:

ID = ID number of user

FIRSTNAME = First name of user

LASTNAME = Last name of user

EMAIL = Email address of user

USERNAME = User name (login name) of user

NAME or FULLNAME = Full name of user (or USERNAME if FIRST and LAST are not available)

GUID = The GUID assigned to the user.

OTHERINFO = The OtherInfo field which is typically used for integration purposes.

MANAGER = The Manager currently set for a user (returns username of the manager's user object)

ADDRESS1 to ADDRESS3 = The Address1, Address2 or Address3 property for the user

PHONE1 to PHONE3 = The Phone1, Phone2 or Phone3 property for the user

Delimiter - The character(s) to use to separate the returned properties. 

* If no property is specified then the user list is returned as a JSON collection.

[USERSBYPROP(Address1|support|ID|;)] = returns semicolon-delimited list of IDs for all users whose Address1 property equals "support". 


Returns a string of user properties from users in a team that is formatted to fill option lists in E-forms

team = name of team to find (can be multiple teams if separated by tilde - ~). If team not specified then all users are returned.

value - Property from the user objects to use for the value. Default is UserName.

display - Property from the user objects to use for the display. Default is FullName.

Available User Property Values:

ID = ID number of user

FIRSTNAME = First name of user

LASTNAME = Last name of user

EMAIL = Email address of user

USERNAME = User name (login name) of user

NAME or FULLNAME = Full name of user (or USERNAME if FIRST and LAST are not available)

GUID = The GUID assigned to the user.

OTHERINFO = The OtherInfo field which is typically used for integration purposes.

MANAGER = The Manager currently set for a user (returns username of the manager's user object)

all - If more than one team is specified then setting this to TRUE (or leaving blank) will make sure to return only the users that are in ALL of the teams specified. If set to FALSE then it will return all of the users that are in ANY of the teams specified.

[USEROPTIONS(Mgrs)] = admin^Admin User;brad^Brad Manager

[USEROPTIONS(Mgrs|ID|Username)] = 1^admin;2^brad


Returns a delimited list of teams the current user is a member of. This is particularly useful for Record Security where you can secure Records where a field has a value that matches any team the user is in.

username = Username of the user to review. Default is the currently logged in user.

delim - Delimiter to use for the list (default = !)

[USERTEAMS()] = Team 1|Team 2|Team 3|...

[USERTEAMS(admin)] = Team 1|Team 2|Admin

[USERTEAMS(admin|,)] = Team 1,Team 2,Admin


Returns whether or not the user is a member of a specific team

team = name of team to review

yesval = If user is in team this is returned. Default is "True"

noval = If user is not in team this is returned. Default is "TruFalse"

username = Username of the user to review. Default is the currently logged in user.

[INTEAM(Team 1)] = True if current user in "Team 1" or False if not

[INTEAM(Team 1|YES|NO)] = YES if current user in "Team 1" or NO if not

[INTEAM(Team 1|Y|N|admin)] = Y if Admin user in "Team 1" or N if not


Delimited list of properties for all teams.

Possible Team Property Values:

ID = ID number of team

NAME = Name of team

[TEAMS(NAME|;)] = returns semicolon-delimited list of Names for all teams


Returns a delimited list of email address for all users in a specific team.

name = Name of the team.

delim - Delimiter to use for the list (default = ;)

[TEAMEMAILS(AP-Indexing)] =;

[TEAMEMAILS(AP-Indexing|-)] =


Returns list of Teams that are configured for E-form option lists. Team ID is the Value field and Team Name is the Display field.

teamids - Comma-delimited list of Team IDs and/or Names to list

[TEAMOPTIONS()] - List of all teams ID/Name

[TEAMOPTIONS(1,3)] - List of 2 teams with ID of 1 and 3

[TEAMOPTIONS(1,Mgrs)] - List of 2 teams - Team with ID of 1 and Team with name of Mgrs




Returns the User, UserID or UserName of the alternate user if the specified user is Out Of Office (OOO).

Returns empty string is the user is not OOO.

Username = UserName of the User who may be OOO. Leave blank for current User.

OOOUSER returns a JSON object of the user 

OOOUSERID returns the ID of the user

OOOUSERNAME returns the UserName of the user

[OOOUSERID(jdoe)] = 10

[OOOUSERNAME(jdoe)] = aperry

* These examples assume "aperry" if the alternate user for "jdoe" and "jdoe" is OOO.




Returns the Users, UserIDs or UserNames of the users who have set the specified user as their Out Of Office (OOO) user.

Returns empty string is none exist.

Username = UserName of the User who is marked as the OOO users' alternate user. Leave blank for current User.

delim - Delimiter to use for the list (default = ^)

OOOFORUSERS returns a JSON collection of User objects for those users who marked the specified user as their alternate.

OOOFORUSERIDS returns the IDs of those users who marked the specified user as their alternate.

OOOFORUSERNAMES returns the UserNames of those users who marked the specified user as their alternate.