Workflow Variables
Variable |
Action or Value |
Example |
[WFID] |
ID of current Workflow item |
25 |
The name of the current trigger |
The ID of the current trigger |
12 |
Assigned Users' Names |
admin; jsmith |
Assigned Users' Email Addresses |; |
Workflow Managers' Names |
bsmith;bwhite |
Workflow Managers' Email Addresses |; |
Returns the current workflow item's notes. If more than one note is associated with the workflow item then the notes are combined with a semi-colon. |
Note generated via the workflow system; note entered by user during button click |
[WFNOTE(#)] |
Returns the specified workflow item's notes. If more than one note is associated with the workflow item then the notes are combined with a semi-colon. You can use the [WFID] to store the workflow ID for later use then use it in the WFNOTE() call if needed later. |
Note generated via the workflow system; note entered by user during button click |
[WFUSERS(RecID)] [WFUSERS(RecID|TriggerID)] [WFUSERS(R|T|Prop|Sep)] |
Returns a list of the users that have workflow currently assigned to the specified Record and (optionally) trigger. RecID = ID of the Record you are checking TriggerID = ID of the Trigger you are checking. Leave blank or 0 to disregard. Prop = Property to return about user. Options are: ID = Return IDs (default) UserName = Return UserNames Email = Return Email addresses Sep = Separator character of return values *Note - If RecID and TriggerID are both 0 or empty and there is a work item in memory then that work item's users will be used directly. This is more efficient as it avoids an extra call to the database. |
[WFUSERS(1)] = 1,32,45 [WFUSERS(1|3)] = 1,45 [WFUSERS(1||USERNAME)] = admin,bsmith,kjones [WFUSERS(1|3|email|;)] =; |
Work Item Due Date |
7/16/2015 |
Global Work Item Due Date |
7/16/2015 |
Link to Record screen |
Workflow only |
URL to Record screen |
Workflow only |
Link to Document screen |
Workflow only |
URL to Document screen |
Workflow only |
Link To Workflow Item |
Workflow only |
URL to Workflow Item |
Workflow only |
[WORKITEMDATA(var)] [WIDATA(var|Separator|FirstOnly|LikeMatch)] |
Returns the data value from the WORKITEM based on the data name (var) supplied. Every WorkItem has a data collection just like Records. This variable allows you to retrieve the value of a data element stored in the WorkItem. This data set is ONLY AVAILABLE in the workflow context so is only usable in workflow actions. var = The name of the variable to return separator = If you are returning more than one value this is used to separate them in the return string. The default is ;. firstonly = Set to YES, Y, TRUE, or 1 to return only the first match. The default is false likematch = Set to YES, Y, TRUE, or 1 to use LIKE syntax (with * as a wildcard) to find the proper variable name |
[WIDATA(name)] = John Smith [WIDATA(name|,)] = John Smith,Adam Jones,Third Person |
[WORKITEMID(UserID|RecordID|TriggerID)] |
Finds the first Work Item ID that matches the IDs sent in |
[WORKITEMID(1|12|100)] - Finds the ID of the first Work Item that is assigned to User ID 1, for RecordID 12 that is currently at trigger with an ID of 100. |
This is a special variable only available in the "Search and Update" and "Search and Create" actions. When the records are being iterated, the RECORDCTR variable will hold the number of the record you are on. The value starts at 1 and counts up from there for each Record. |
[RECORDCTR] = 1 (for first Record) |
[DMTMP(name)] |
Retrieves a named temporary variable that was set using the Multiple Temp Variables action name = name of value to retrieve NOTE: These variables are only available within a single workflow cycle. You can only use this variable in workflow after the variables/values are set. |
[DMTMP(action)] = Action Value |
Returns the number of work items that match the specified parameters. UserID = ID of the User to count items assigned. WTID = ID of the Work Trigger to count items assigned. |
[WICOUNT()] = 100 (total number of work items in system) [WICOUNT(12)] = 25 (total number of work items assigned to user #12) [WICOUNT(|3)] = 54 (total number of work items currently sat work trigger #3)
[NAMEDRECDATA(RecordName|Field|Linenum)] Will also work in regular (non-named) Records if the RecordName value is left empty. |
Returns the data value from a Named Record based on the Field name supplied. Field can be any data field in the Record or can also be RECORDID or ID to return that Record's ID number. RecordName = The Name of the Record. This Name is only available in workflow and only after being added by a workflow action. Field = The name of the variable to return. You can also use RECORDID or ID here to retrieve the ID of the named Record. Linenum = the line number of the data to return. |
[NAMEDRECDATA(Invoice|Vendor)] = ACME Corp [NAMEDRECDATA(Invoce|GLCode|1)] = CD0001 [NAMEDRECDATA(RecA|RecordID)] = 17632 |
[HASNAMEDREC(Name|Yes|No)] |
Checks to see if the Name exists in the Named Record list. If so then the Yes value is returned else the No value is returned. yes - The value to return if the Record is in the Named Record list. Default = YES. no - The value to return if the Record is not in the Named Record list. Default = NO. |
Returns the ID of the Record that matches the name in the Named Record list. |
[NAMEDRECID(Invoice)] = 1524 |