When you want to allows users in your (or a 3rd party) application to be able to view documents the relate to the current screen, this is generically called "image enabling your application." The method for accomplishing this is different depending on whether the application is a Web application or a Windows application.

Web Applications

For Web applications you can build Bookmarklets that allow you to hook your application with DocMgt. You can use the built-in Bookmarklet admin section or you can build your own if you would like.

For more information on Bookmarklets, please refer to the Wiki Definition of Bookmarklets

Windows Applications

For Windows applications you can use an Open Source tool called AutoHotkey to pull information from the Windows application and send that to DocMgt. AutoHotkey is a very robust tool driven by a flexible and simple scripting language. It also has the ability to record key strokes that can be replayed for simple macro recording.

AutoHotKey Example

This example script can be used with AutoHotKey to image-enable a new Notepad screen. To use this script, follow these instructions:

    • Download and save this script
    • Run it with AutoHotKey
    • Open a blank Notepad screen
    • Type in something to search for in notepad (but do NOT save the notepad file) 
    • Hit CTRL-S to launch a search from the demo site

Download Example Script

DocMgt URL Structures

Whichever application you have - Web or Windows - once you have your key information (invoice #, customer ID, etc.) you will need to send it to DocMgt to bring up the image. You do that by sending the user to a specific URL on the DocMgt server.

Searching by URL (examples assume "http://yourserver" if the base URL of your server) :

  • To search for Records by a key value only - http://yourserver/search/{value}
  • To search for Records by a field name and field value combination - http://yourserver/search/{field}/{value}
  • To search for Records of a specific Record Type by a field name and field value combination - http://yourserver/search/{RecordTypeID}/{field}/{value}
  • To search for Records of a specific Record Type by a field name and field value combination and bring up a specific document - http://yourserver/search/{RecordTypeID}/{field}/{value}/{DocumentName}

Make sure to URL encode all variables to ensure they will pass through the browser without complications.

* On-Line Article and Tutorial about Image Enabling