The POP3 Email Retriever action can call a POP3 mailbox to retrieve new messages

This is normally best not done as a work flow action. We have a newer Importer Add-In that can retrieve emails. Look at this first to see if it would fit your needs.

The emails are found and then each is processed via workflow actions. It is common to get them then route each of them as new records.


    • Server / Port - The Server name and Port of the server

    • Username / Password - The Username and Password to log into the server

    • Server Mode - The security requirements of the server

Filters - Only the emails matching the specified filters will be retrieved

    • TO Address Contains - Only those emails where the entered text appears anywhere in any of the TO addresses will be returned

    • FROM Address Contains - Only those emails where the entered text appears anywhere in the FROM address will be returned

    • CC Address Contains - Only those emails where the entered text appears anywhere in any of the CC addresses will be returned

    • Subject Contains - Only those emails where the entered text appears anywhere in the Subject will be returned

    • Body Contains - Only those emails where the entered text appears anywhere in the Body will be returned

Other Settings

    • Max to Process - The system will only return the first X items it finds

    • Order to Process - Whether you want to look for older items or newer items first

    • Delete Processed Emails - Whether or not to delete the emails that are downloaded. Typically you would turn this ON for normal process and OFF during testing.

Actions to Perform 

The workflow actions to perform on each email. It is common to create a new records of the emails and have them routed. To do that you can use the "other record" syntax in your work actions. For instance, you would use {TO} to get the TO addresses of the email.

Here are the "other record" fields available:

    • LOOCTR - A counter starting with 1 that increments for each email. The process loops through each email and sets this for you.

    • EMAILSUBJECT - The subject of the email

    • EMAILBODY - The body of the email in text format

    • EMAILBODYHTML - The body of the email in HTML format

    • EMAILTO - The TO email addresses delimited by semi-colons

    • EMAILCC - The CC email addresses delimited by semi-colons

    • EMAILFROM - The FROM email address

    • EMAILID - The unique message ID from the POP3 server

    • EMAILDATE - The date of the email message

    • EMAILHEADER_???? - All headers are available using the EMAILHEADER_NAME syntax