PDF Merge
EVENT: FileBeforeImport
SYNOPSIS: Merges PDF files based on their order in the CSV file and the column values.
DESCRIPTION: PDF Merge is designed to take individual PDF documents and merge them into larger documents. This Add-In requires that you are importing CSV files with pointers to PDF files. The values in the CSV are used to merge the PDFs. As the column values match between rows, the PDFs from those rows are merged and the CSV file is updated accordingly. Once the merging is done the import proceeds as normal.
CONFIGURATION: You need to specify the PDF column name that holds the PDF pointers, the Merged PDF File Name pattern. You can optionally specify a the CSV lines to discard if you have patch sheets or separator sheets you need to remove.
PDF File Column Name: The name of the CSV column that holds the pointers to the PDF files. This is required so we know which documents to merge.
Merged PDF File Name: This is the name of the PDF that will be created by the merge. Use brackets to specify the column name to use in the file name. This is what enables the merge. As CSV lines produce the same PDF File Name the PDFs are merged.
CSV Lines to Discard: This is the evaluated PDF File Name that represents a discarded row. If the name of the PDF b(based on the CSV data) matches this value then it is discarded. Leave blank to ignore.
Using the configuration screen above, the following CSV and PDFs would process as follows.
CSV Data:
ACME Corp,1234,1/1/2018,ACME-Page1.pdf
ACME Corp,1234,1/1/2018,ACME-Page2.pdf
Widget Co,W876,1/5/2018,WID-Page1.pdf
Widget Co,W876,1/5/2018,WID-Page2.pdf
Widget Co,W876,1/5/2018,WID-Page3.pdf
WID-Page1.pdf (1-page PDF)
WID-Page2.pdf (1-page PDF)
WID-Page3.pdf (1-page PDF)
ACME-Page1.pdf (1-page PDF)
ACME-Page2.pdf (1-page PDF)
This would output as:
CSV Data:
ACME Corp,1234,1/1/2018,ACME Corp_1234_1-1-2018.pdf
Widget Co,W876,1/5/2018,Widget Co_W876_1_5_2018.pdf
Widget Co_W876_1_5_2018.pdf (3-page PDF)
ACME Corp_1234_1-1-2018.pdf (2-page PDF)