
Set the Name of the Record Type here. Name it in a way that makes sense to you and your users. This name is used later for Entry selections and Search selections throughout the system so name it something that is easily identifiable.


Select an icon to use when displaying this Record Type. This icon shows on the Record page, Entry screens and Search screens.

Show Entry Screen

Whether or not to show this Record Type as an Entry option.

Lookup Table

Treat this record type as a lookup table where users who have read only rights cannot search it directly from the search screen. Turn ON to show this record type's Search option only to those who have Read/Write access.

Thumbnail Category

When any document in the specified category is saved then it will be used as the new thumbnail for the record. This is perfect for Student Records or Personnel Records where you define a category named Photo and set that at the Thumbnail Category. Then any new picture of the Student/Personnel that gets saved in that Category will cause the Record thumbnail to be updated to their new photo.

Search Settings

Number of Results per Page

Specify the number of search results to show per page. Keep in mind that the smaller the number the faster the search pages load.

Number of Data Values in Results

Specify the number of fields to show as columns in the search results grid view. The default is 10 but you can go up to 30 max. Remember, not all screens are large enough to show 30 columns nicely. Also, large field names and values can impact the display as well.

Search Results Display

Select from Small Thumbnail, Large Thumbnail and Grid formats.

Show Created Date

Check ON to show the Date Created in the search results if using the Grid layout.

Show Changed Date

Check ON to show the Date Last Changed in the search results if using the Grid layout.

Show Doc Count

Check ON to show the Document Count for each Record in the search results if using the Grid layout.

Show Page Count

Check ON to show the number of Pages for each Record in the search results if using the Grid layout.

Default Sort

Specify the field to use for sorting the search results when a search is performed for this Record Type.

Security Settings

Initial Edit Mode

The Record screen usually allows for users to make changes to the data immediately. This option allows you to change that behavior to be locked at first but give the user access to a button to enable editing.

SFTP Access (cloud only)

Specify whether or not this Record Type shows up as an SFTP upload folder. 

Hot Key Indexing

Turn ON to allows external applications perform updates to Record screen and Indexing screen using hot key technology. Leave this off unless you are using hot keys for indexing - typically with AutoHotKey.

Automated Settings

Perform OCR

Set to TRUE to tell the OCR system to OCR all documents after they are saved into the system. If you are self-hosting the server (i.e. not in our Cloud infrastructure) then you will need to ensure the OCR agent is configured and running properly.

Generate Renderings

The thumbnails used within the system must be generated at some point in time. Setting this to "Do not generate document renderings" will force the system to generate the thumbnails when the documents are viewed. Setting this to "Generate document renderings automatically" will generate the documents via the OCR module. If you do not have access to the OCR engine then this setting is ignored.

Auto-Purge Documents

Turn ON to force documents to be purged as they are deleted. Turn OFF (default) to leave the documents intact until an administrator manually purges them.

Asset Tracking Settings

This only shows if asset tracking is enabled in the system's main options

Tracking Field

The field that holds the primary/unique value for the records. This is normally an auto-counter field or a unique barcode field.

Container Field

The field that holds the primary/unique value of the container where this asset is located. This is normally an auto-counter field or a unique barcode field for a box or shelf location.

Collaboration Portal Settings

This only shows if Collaboration  is enabled in the system's main options


Turn ON to enable Collaboration Portals in this Record Type. Without this turned on outside users cannot log into portals in these Records.

Login Screen Header

Enter information or instructions that will show up above the login panel

Login Screen Footer

Enter information or instructions that will show up below the login panel

Public Access Settings

Public Document Sharing

Turn this on to allow internal users to create public links to individual documents. When used the links are generated and all access is logged.

Allow Public Access to Record Type

Turn ON to allow public users to search this record type. This will provide public search/view access to the Record Type based on the settings below.

Public Name

Specify a custom name for this Record Type. If you leave this blank then the regular name will be used.

Full Text Title

Specify a custom name for the Full Text (OCR) search field. If you leave this blank then the full text field will not be shown in the search form.

Docs to Share

Specify the documents to share with the public. Leave all empty to share all documents or use these settings to filter which ones they can view.


Enter information or instructions to public users to help them understand how to use the system


Enter information or instructions that will show up under the search panel

NOTE: Be sure to edit the PUBLIC settings for your Fields. There you can specify which fields are searchable and which are displayed in the results.