The Adobe Sign -  Get Documents action retrieved the signed documents

After documents are complete and Adobe Sign has notified of completion this action is used to get the document and store them in the active Record.


    • Integration Name (Enterprise Feature) - If you have multiple Adobe Sign integrations defined you can specify which one to use by its name. If you leave this blank then the system will use the first one. 

    • Overwrite - Check this ON to overwrite the original document with the signed copy. Check this OFF to add the documents alongside the original.

    • Where to save Document(s) - Specify the Category / SubCategory / Name of where to save the Documents. The Documents are saved in the active Record using these values.

    • Save Certificate - Check this ON to save the certificate that shows all the signature history.

    • Where to save Certificate - Specify the Category / SubCategory / Name of where to save the Certificate.

    • Agreement ID Field - This is the name of the field that hols the Adobe Sign Envelope ID (unique identifier). Leave this blank unless instructed otherwise.


  • Use of DocuSign actions requires at least one authenticated Adobe Sign Application

All fields can contain static values or variables.