The Containers section contains fields that can contain other fields.

E-form Buttons - Shows the configured E-form buttons such as Save, Cancel, Print, etc.

Button Field  - Adds a button to the form that can be used for multiple actions such as E-form actions (Save, Cancel, etc.), setting field values, opening web pages, calling Action Sets, etc. 

Button Bar - Adds a series of buttons to the form where each can be used for multiple actions such as E-form actions (Save, Cancel, etc.), setting field values, opening web pages, calling Action Sets, etc. 

Toolbar Field - Adds a menu to the E-form that can contain buttons/links/drop downs that can be used for multiple actions such as E-form actions (Save, Cancel, etc.), setting field values, opening web pages, calling Action Sets, etc. 

Automation Tip: You can set the Value of this field to the number of the toolbar option to click - starting with 1.

Multi-Action Field - Performs multiple actions (similar to button presses) with one update. Can be called from a button or toolbar to perform many actions with a single user click. You can 

Automation Tip: You can set the Value of this field to any non-blank value to trigger its actions.

Timer Field - Performs an action when a set time has expired. It can also be used to perform actions repeatedly on a schedule every N seconds. 

Automation Tip: You can set the Value of this field to the number of seconds you wish the timer to wait to perform its actions. Every time you set it the timer restarts.