A field can be calculated based on dynamic values and other fields. When doing calculations on fields, you need to use JavaScript in place of the default value property. If you want to use the values from other fields in your calculation then use the field name (case sensitive) enclosed in curly braces - { and }. For instance, if you have 2 string fields you wish to concatenate - VAL1 and VAL2 - use this:

{{VAL1} {VAL2}}

This will result in a single string where the value from VAL1 is placed one space from the value in VAL2.

To do math with numbers, you can add operators to your value. For instance, if VAL1 and VAL2 are number values you can to this to add them together:


If you are doing math then you can also leverage some built-in functions:

cleanNumericValue(strValue) = This function will remove currency formatting characters and will treat a blank/null value as the number 0.

cleanDivision(val1, val2) = This function will not error out when using 0 in either value but will instead return a 0 value.

Combine the 2 numeric functions for truly safe computations:

{cleanDivision(cleanNumericValue(val1), cleanNumericValue(val2)) }

Supported Custom Functions:

String Functions

replaceAll(instr, find, replace) 

    • Replaces all instances of find with replace in instr

stringContains(instr, containsStr, yesval, noval) 

    • Returns true or yesvall if "instr" contains containsStr and false or noval if not
    • This function is NOT case sensitive

USE: To see if 2 fields are filled in use {stringContains('~{field1}~{field2}~', '~~', 'yes', 'no')} equals no.


    • Returns the length of the string

Number Functions

getNumValue (instr) 

    • If "instr" is a number then it is returned. If not, instr is sent into cleanNumericValue function to be cleaned to a number

cleanNumericValue (instr) 

    • Removes all non-numeric characters from the incoming string

cleanDivision(val1, val2) 

    • Divides val1 by val2 and if either value is null, 0 or non-numeric, it returns 0

tryParseFloat(value, default) 

    • Tries to convert value to floating point number and if it cannot then it returns the default value

getFormattedNumber(value, places) 

    • Formats the incoming value as a number with the specified number of decimal places

formatCurrency(value, places) 

    • Formats the value using USD currency formatting 

calcSum(Values, Delimiter) 

    • Calculates the Sum of the values in the incoming string
        • Values - The string that has the values to calculate. Must be delimited by a specific character.
        • Delimiter - The character to split the Values string on to get the numbers. Default is ^ because using the {Table| |Column} syntax returns values separated by ^.
        • Examples:
          • {calcSum(1^2^3,^)} = 6
          • {calcSum(1^2^3)} = 6 (works since default delimiter is ^)

calcAvg(Values, Delimiter) 

    • Calculates the Average of the values in the incoming string

calcMax(Values, Delimiter) 

    • Calculates the Maximum of the values in the incoming string

calcMin(Values, Delimiter) 

    • Calculates the Minimum of the values in the incoming string

calcCount(Values, Delimiter) 

    • Calculates the Count of the values in the incoming string

Date Functions

dateDiff(datefrom, dateto, interval) 

    • Computes the number of intervals between datefrom and dateto. Allowed “interval” values are:
        • s, sec, second, seconds – Number of seconds 
        • n, min, minute, minutes – Number of minutes
        • h, hour, hours – Number of hours
        • d, day, days – Number of days
        • m, mon, mons, month, months – Number of months
        • y, yr, year, years – Number of years

timeDiff(timefrom, timeto, interval) 

    • Computes the number of intervals between timefrom and timeto. Allowed “interval” values are:
        • m – Number of minutes
        • h – Number of hours
        • Anything else returns a string formatted as HH:MM

formatTime(hours, minutes, seconds) 

    • Returns a date formatted using h:m:s format

Built-In E-form Variables:

There are several built-in variables you can use within E-forms:

{SCREENHEIGHT}: Returns the height of the user's current view port. This is very useful for adapting container fields to the viewable area of the user's browser.

{PAGENUMBER}: Returns the number of the currently-displayed page of the E-form. Will always return 1 on a single-page form.

{TOTALAMOUNT}: Returns the total amount for the E-form when using the fields in the form to come to a total amount like an invoice or receipt. Does not include tax.

{TOTALTAXABLEAMOUNT}: Returns the total amount for the E-form. If the tax value is set to 0 (zero) then this will be the same as the {TOTALAMOUNT} value.

{TOTALTAX}: Returns the total amount of the tax for the E-form. If the tax value is set to 0 (zero) then this will always be 0.

{TOTALWITHTAX}: Returns the total amount for the E-form including the tax.

{TAXRATE}: Returns the rate used in the form for computing tax.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to use { and } around any text that need calculated!

To get the AMOUNT value from Radio Buttons and Option Lists you can use the {FIELDNAME:AMOUNT} pattern. For instance, if an option list named "DeliveryCharge" has Amount values, you can get those amounts using {DeliveryCharge:Amount}.


If you want to compute a value in a field type that saves data (i.e. Text, Text Area, Number, etc.) then you need to make sure to set its "Data" / "Where to Get Initial/Latest Value" option to "Do Not Set Value / Compute Value" otherwise the computation will be lost while generating a new form or using the Use Latest Template options.