The Create Portal action allows you to create collaboration portals from defined templates


    • Select Package - On the main action screen select the portal package you wish to create and send. 

Click the EDIT link on the right to get to the other settings:

    • FROM - This is the email address FROM which to send the package. Leave this blank to use the default FROM address as defined in the Main Options.

    • TO - This is a list of email addresses TO which to send the email. You can add as many as you like. You can even use variables in order to send to email addresses in the active Record.

    • Password - You can set a password using a static value or using a variable. Or you can leave this blank and the system will auto-generate a password for the portal.

    • Include In Email - Check this ON to include the password in the email. This is not the most secure way of dealing with passwords but in some cases the information is not sensitive. If you do have sensitive information in the portal then do not include the password.

    • Workflow - Check this ON to have the portal work as a workflow step. This option is only valid if the portal is being created from the Assignment Actions of a trigger. Set the trigger to be assigned to someone internal (usually DocMgt_Agent). The workflow buttons configured will show up in the portal once all the E-forms and documents are supplied. The portal user will need to then click one of the buttons to trigger workflow to continue. This is a great way to have outside users interact with your internal workflow!

    • Reuse - Check this ON to look for a matching portal already in the active Record. If there is a collaboration portal in the active Record of the same type then this will re-use that portal. If not it will create a new one.

    • GUID to Field - Allows you to specify a field in which to save the GUID of the portal once created. You can use this later to generate a link to the portal for things such as email reminders and SMS messages.

All fields can contain static values or variables.