The Initiate Workflow action allows you to start an entirely new workflow for the active Record

This is useful from either an Add-In to start a new route or for starting parallel workflow routes. Parallel routing is an advanced technique but very possible and very practical in certain situations.


    • Record ID - If you wish to route the current Record then leave this blank. However, if you wish to route a different Record you can specify which Record to route here.

    • Trigger / Process - If you wish to send the Record directly to a specific trigger or process, select it here. The workflow will start there and when the first trigger is completed the system will reevaluate where to go from there. If you do not select a trigger and don't enter in a trigger name (see below) then the system will route the Record from the top of the trigger list as normal.

    • Trigger Name - There are times when you know the name of the trigger to go to from a Record field or by name but not necessarily ahead of time during design. For instance, you could give the users a drop down list of triggers to move to and then have this trigger read that data field to find the right trigger. If no match is found the system will route the Record from the top of the trigger list as normal.

    • Parallel Name - If you route items in a parallel fashion then you usually want to merge those routes back together at some point. You do this by naming each parallel route. You will then use this same name in the Parallel Merge action later. Please refer to the Parallel Merge action for more information.

All fields can contain static values or variables.