The Hide/Show Work Item action allows you to hide work items from view or to bring them back into view

Hiding a work item sets a "hidden" flag on them which keeps them out of the normal view of the users. They can change their filter to show them the hidden items but by default that is not set.


    • Action to Take - Select whether to HIDE or SHOW the current work item.

NOTE: When an item is HIDDEN it will be skipped when the workflow button is set to "Get Next Item in Queue." When you set the item back ti VISIBLE, it will then be brought up when using the "Get Next" logic. You can always retrieve the work item by setting your workflow filter to "No Visibility Preference" or "Hidden Items Only." Once the work item advances past its current step, it will automatically become visible again.

IMPORTANT: If you use this action in a Workflow Button, make sure to set the button to NOT advance workflow or this change will be lost when the item advances in workflow.