If Collaboration is turned on for the current Record's Record Type, you will see a Portals button in the viewer. A Collaboration Portal is a window into a single Record from the outside (non-authenticated) world. They allow you to share information with outside users as well as request more information from them. 

Click the button to bring up the Portal panel. This panel show you a list of the portals that have been created for the current Record.

  1. Clicking on a portal will open it up in a mew browser so you can interact with is the same way an outside user would

  1. You can create new portals by using the New Portal button. The drop down arrow attached to the button (if there) allows you to create a new portal based on a template.

  1. Click the QR Code icon to generate a QR code that you can send to users for them to get to the portal 

  1. Click the Copy button to copy the portal

  1. The Email button emails the portal to the users defined in the portal

  1. The Edit button allows you to edit the portal

  1. The Delete button will delete the portal