The Merge Data into Document action works just like Merge Document Template except is merges into existing documents and does not make new ones



    • Active Document - Check this ON to merge into the active document. This will ONLY work if the workflow is acting on a routed Document and not a Record.

    • Document to Merge - Specify the Category / SubCategory / Name of the Document to merge data into. The Documents in the active Record are queried and the Document matching these values is merged.


    • Convert to PDF - Check this ON to convert the document to a PDF file

    • Compress PDF Output - You can compress the resulting PDF after it is merged. Compressing will remove any extra meta data and will try to remove all unnecessary information in the PDF that is not used for rendering. Compressing will compress images, optimize fonts, optimize page content and remove meta data information from the PDF.

    • Remove PDF Fields - After the merge of a PDF file, you can remove its form fields to make it a flat PDF file. Do not turn this on if you plan on merging this document again.

All Category, SubCategory and Name fields can contain static values or variables.