The Perform OCR action is used to queue up the documents in the active Record for OCR 

This is normally used as an Assignment Action with the trigger assigned to the doMgt_Agent user. That way the workflow stops here and waits for the OCR to be done before moving on. Since OCR can take some time it is best to ensure the OCR is done - especially if the next step uses the OCR data. 


    • OCR Mode - Choose between Full Text and Bar Codes, Full Text Only, Bar Code Only, Non-OCR Read for Office documents, Recognize Receipt Data, Recognize Business Card Data, and Recognize Invoice Data. 
      • NOTE: Receipt Data, Identity Data, Business Cared Data, and Recognize Invoice Data all incur extra fees. Check with your sales rep for more information!

    • OCR These Docs - Specify the Category / SubCategory / Name of the Documents that you wish to have OCR'd. All documents that match will be OCR'd.

Supported Barcode Technologies

The following barcodes types (technologies) are supported by the system.

Extracted Fields

The following OCR modes will extract data and place them into data fields with defined names:

Recognize Invoice Data

Master Values: Invoice_Master_Vendor, Invoice_Master_InvoiceNumber, Invoice_Master_InvoiceDate, Invoice_Master_Amount, Invoice_Master_DueDate, Invoice_Master_PONumber,Invoice_Master_VendorAddress, Invoice_Master_VendorAddressFirst, Invoice_Master_Terms

Other Values: Invoice_AmountDue, Invoice_BillingAddress, Invoice_BillingAddressRecipient, Invoice_CustomerAddress, Invoice_CustomerAddressRecipient, Invoice_CustomerId, Invoice_CustomerName, Invoice_DueDate, Invoice_InvoiceDate, Invoice_InvoiceId, Invoice_InvoiceTotal, Invoice_PreviousUnpaidBalance, Invoice_PurchaseOrder, Invoice_RemittanceAddress, Invoice_RemittanceAddressRecipient, Invoice_ServiceAddress, Invoice_ServiceAddressRecipient, Invoice_ServiceEndDate, Invoice_ServiceStartDate, Invoice_ShippingAddress, Invoice_ShippingAddressRecipient, Invoice_SubTotal, Invoice_TotalTax, Invoice_VendorAddress, Invoice_VendorAddressRecipient, Invoice_VendorName

Line Item Values: InvoiceLine_ProductCode, InvoiceLine_Description, InvoiceLine_UnitPrice, InvoiceLine_Quantity, InvoiceLine_Amount

Recognize Receipt Data

Receipt Values: Receipt_MerchantName, Receipt_MerchantAddress, Receipt_MerchantPhoneNumber, Receipt_TransactionDate, Receipt_TransactionTime, Receipt_Subtotal, Receipt_Tax, Receipt_Total

Recognize Identity Data (Licenses, Passports)

Receipt Values: ID_CountryRegion, ID_DateOfBirth, ID_DateOfExpiration, ID_DocumentNumber, ID_FirstName, ID_LastName, ID_Nationality, ID_Sex, ID_MachineReadableZone

* ID_MachineReadableZone = barcode data from ID

Recognize Business Cards

Receipt Values: BC_ContactName, BC_ContactName_#, BC_FirstName, BC_FirstName_#, BC_LastName, BC_LastName_#, BC_CompanyName, BC_CompanyName_#, BC_Department, BC_Department_#, BC_JobTitle, BC_JobTitle_#, BC_Email, BC_Email_#, BC_Website, BC_Website_#, BC_Address, BC_Address_#, BC_MobilePhone, BC_MobilePhone_#, BC_Fax, BC_Fax_#, BC_WorkPhone, BC_WorkPhone_#, BC_OtherPhone, BC_OtherPhone_#

* All fields have the possibility for multiple values. If you only care about the first or main value then you can use the singular version - i.e. "BC_FirstName". If you wish to get all the values you can check the BC_FirstName_# value by replacing the # with the number of the item you want - i.e. "BC_FirstName_1" for the first one, BC_FirstName_2" for the second and so on.

Advanced Tip

The OCR Engine is built to use specific record values as commands. If those values exist it will trigger different behaviors. Here is a break down of the special OCR codes:

    • @OCRFirstNPages - If this value is set to a number then the OCR engine will only OCR the first N pages of each document.
    • @OCRLastNPages - If this value is set to a number then the OCR engine will only OCR the last N pages of each document.
    • @OCRMode - This will instruct the OCR what type of OCR to perform:
      • Empty or record value does not exist = Full Text OCRand Barcodes
      • OCR = Full Text OCR only
      • Barcode = Barcode only
      • Simple = Content read only - no actual OCR. This will only work with text-based documents, DOCX documents, XLSX documents,m and PDF documents. This does NOT extract the location of the words so no highlighting or click indexing will work with this mode.
      • Receipt = Invoice Recognition Mode
      • Invoice = Invoice Recognition Mode
      • LineItems = Invoice Recognition Mode wit Line Items

All fields can contain static values or variables.