Security Fields are used for secure transactions and for sensitive information.

Password - This is a text entry field that has its characters masked so users cannot view them.

reCAPTCHA - This field uses Google reCAPTCHA to validate that the users entering data are real people and not bots. T see and use this field type you must enter your Google reCAPTCHA keys int the Admin screens.

Signature Check - This is a check box with specific language attached that you can customize. It is used for forms to have users check the box that they agree to the terms and conditions, etc.

Signature Pad - This is a built in signature field where users can use their mouse, stylus or finger to sign the form inline. ** 

Topaz Signature Pad - This is a field that interacts with certain Topaz signature pads so users can use an external signature pad to sign in the form. **

Combined Signature Pad - This is a single field that can be toggled to use with the Signature Pad or Topaz Signature Pad operations. **