The Send Email action allows you to send SMTP messages from the system


    • FROM - This is the email address FROM which to send the email. Leave this blank to use the default FROM address as defined in the Main Options.

    • TO / CC / BCC - This is a list of email addresses TO which to send the email. You can add as many as you like. You can even use variables in order to send to email addresses in the active Record.

    • Template - Check this ON to use the default email format template. This contains a header and an icon in the email. If you prefer to start with a blank email turn this OFF.

    • Subject - The subject to add to the email.

    • Email - This is the body of the email

    • Attachments - This tab allows you to add attachments to the email. All documents that match the Cat/SubCat/Names below will be attached.

      • Category - The Category in the active Record that holds the Document(s) to attach to the email

      • SubCategory - The SubCategory in the active Record that holds the Document(s) to attach to the email

      • Name - The Name in the active Record that holds the Document(s) to attach to the email

      • File Name - The name to give the attachment. This would be the file name as the document is attached. Leave blank to use the file name of the document.

      • Mode - Whether to add the attachment as an actual attachment in the email or as a URL link or both. The URL link is a link to the internal Document so it is only usable by users who can log into the system. DO NOT use the link options with external users!

      • Zip All Attachments - Check this ON to ZIP up all attachments into a single ZIP file when sending.

      • Embed Auto-Connect - Check this ON to embed the auto-connection properties into Office documents. This allows our Integration software to save the documents directly back into the system.

TIP: Remember there is a size limit on emails. Do not try to attach too many documents or your email will not make it.

All fields can contain static values or variables.