The Set PDF Conformance action changes a PDF to one of the PDF/A conformance levels.

This action does the following:

  1. Removes all form fields and converts them to graphical objects that are not editable
  2. Sets the PDF conformance level

IMPORTANT: You are responsible for assuring that the PDF does not contain any items that would not allow conformance. If you try to set conformance on a document that is not allowed, the resulting PDF will not be compliant and the workflow action will NOT thrown any errors.


    • Conformance Level - The level of PDF/A conformance to which you wish to convert the PDF. Here is a Wikipedia article describing each.

    • Active Document - Check this ON to convert the active document. This will ONLY work if the workflow is acting on a routed Document and not a Record.

    • Other Documents - Check this ON to convert ALL documents that match the Cat/SubCat/Name or OFF to convert the first one that matches. This only happens if there is no Active Document or the Active Document is not checked on.

    • Compress Documents - You can compress the resulting PDF after it is merged. Compressing will remove any extra meta data and will try to remove all unnecessary information in the PDF that is not used for rendering. Compressing will compress images, optimize fonts, optimize page content and remove meta data information from the PDF.

    • Find Documents - Specify the Category / SubCategory / Name of the Documents to convert. The Documents in the active Record are queried and the Documents matching these values are merged together. 

All Category, SubCategory and Name fields can contain static values or variables.