The Add New User action is used to add a user into the system

NOTE: You cannot add Admin users with this action!

Username - The login name for the user.  This MUST be unique or it will generate an error.

Password - The password for the user. 

First Name - The first name for the user. 

Last Name - The last name for the user. 

Email Address - The email address for the user. 

SMS Number - The SMS number for the user. 


      • Password Change - Whether the user must change their password on their first login.

      • Login Expires  - The last date which logins will be allowed for this user.

      • Reporting USer - Whether this user has reporting rights.

      • Manager - The username of their manager.

      • Other Info - The OtherInfo field for this user (normally used for integration or other custom uses).

All fields can contain static values or variables.