Advanced Input Fields
The Input Fields section contains the fields that are mostly used for input. Simply click then drag the field you want to add to your form.
Linked Field - This is an auto-complete field linked to another record type to pull values.
Masked Input - This field can be used to allow entry based on specific patterns.
Email - This is a pre-formatted text field for Email addresses.
Phone - This is a pre-formatted text field for Phone numbers.
Slider - This is a numeric entry field that uses a sliding bar for selecting the numeric value.
Color Picker - This shows a color field and, when clicked, opens a color palette for selecting a color.
Color List - This shows a configurable list of colors for the user to choose from.
Sketch Pad - This allows users to make annotations to an image.
User List - Presents a list of users for selection. This is only valid on internal forms!
Team List - Presents a list of teams for selection. This is only valid on internal forms!
Rich Text Entry - This field allows users to enter rich text content similar to Microsoft Word.
Record Notes - This field allows internal users to see and add notes for the current Record. This works the same as the Record Notes panel in the viewer screen.
Scanner - This field allows users to scan documents into the specified Record. You can control the Record, Category, Subcategory and Name of the scanned document(s).