The collaboration section is where you set up interactions with outside users. You can allow them to view documents, add documents or even fill out forms. This is useful for any process that needs interaction with external users such as loan processes, insurance reviews, yearly process reviews, audits and more.

Here you will see a list of the collaboration packages that have been created for this Record. The information you see also includes a progress bar that shows how complete the package is. This is useful when trying to keep tabs on how much work there is left to be done on the package.

The Plus button is for adding a new package. The last two icons on each row are for Viewing the package as the end user will and for deleting the package. Clicking on the row itself will take you to the package edit screen.

ADMIN NOTE: Whenever an external user is connected via a portal, all interactions and security happen in context of the docMgt_Agent user. This means the docMgt_Agent user must have rights to the Records and Documents the external user is being invited to work with. If not then the external user will not be able to use the portal properly.

* On-Line Article about Portals