The Copy Record action allows you to create a new Record using an existing Record's Data


    • ID of the Record to Copy - This is the ID of the Record to copy. Leave blank to use the currently-routed Record

    • Additional Record Fields - If you want to also add values to the new Record other than the ones from the current Record you can do so here. This is useful for status changes and for writing in the ID of the current Record into the new Record for tracking and troubleshooting.

    • Record ID to Field - It is sometimes useful to know the ID of the Record you just created. Use this field to let the system know what field name to use in the current record to save the ID. 

    • Routing - You can choose whether or not the new Record is routed after being created

    • Switch Context - Once the new Record is created you may want to perform actions on THAT Record in the current workflow. You can do this by checking ON this switch. That tells the workflow engine that all actions from now on are to be performed on the NEW Record instead of the original Record. You should later use the Record Context Switch action to set the original Record back as the Record to be acted upon.

All fields can all contain static values or variables.