The Create Documents Share action creates a public links to Documents

In order for the link to work the Record Type where this Document is located must have Public Document Sharing enabled.


    • Active Document - Check this ON to share the active document. This will ONLY work if the workflow is acting on a routed Document and not a Record.

    • Documents to Share - Specify the Category / SubCategory / Name of the Documents to share. The Documents in the active Record are queried and the Documents matching these values are acted upon. 

    • Share All Documents - Check this ON to share ALL documents that match the Cat/SubCart/Name or OFF to share the first one that matches.

    • Expires - Set the date that the share expires. Leave it blank for no expiration.

    • File Name - Set a custom file name for the share. When users download the document from the share this is the name the file will have. Leave it blank to use the file name assigned to the Document already.

    • Use Cache - Check this ON to cache the document on the server. This is useful for Documents that do not change and that do not require accurate logging. This is not a good idea if the document changes or if you require proper logging. A cached document will not be logged after the first download until the cache expires.

    • Log Access - Check this ON to log the times the Document is viewed. These logs will show up in the share report.

    • URLs to Field - Enter the name of the field that will hold the URL(s) for the shared Document(s). This is useful for automatically send out links via email / text. If more than one URL is generated then each URL will be stored separately using the same field name.

All fields can contain static values or variables.