The DocuSign - Send for Signature action sends Document to be Signed via DocuSign

After documents have been prepared for signature this action sends the document(s) to be signed through the DocuSign integration.


    • Integration Name (Enterprise Feature) - If you have multiple DocuSign integrations defined you can specify which one to use by its name. If you leave this blank then the system will use the first one. 

    • Signer 1 - The Email Address and Name of the first signer. 

    • Signer 2 - The Email Address and Name of the second signer.

    • Signer 3 - The Email Address and Name of the third signer.

    • Email Subject - The subject line of the email sent out to all signers.

    • Email Body Blurb - Content to add to the DocuSign emails that are sent out

    • Send only the current document - Check this ON to send the active document for signature. This will ONLY work if the workflow is acting on a routed Document and not a Record.

    • Send All or First Document- Check this ON to send ALL documents that match the Cat/SubCat/Name or OFF to send the first one that matches.

    • Include all Documents with Sign Here annotations - Check this ON to include ALL documents that have Sign Here annotations. This allows you to add documents to the signing packet without needing to know where the user has placed them.

    • Document(s) to Sign - Specify the Category / SubCategory / Name of the Documents to send for signature. The Documents in the active Record are queried and the Documents matching these values are sent according to the options above.

Signature Placement

In order to have a document signed via DocuSign, you need to tell DocuSign where to place the signatures, initials, etc. Here are the 2 methods supported for that:

  1. You can apply signature annotations to the document to be signed. These annotations will instruct DocuSign where to place signatures, initials, etc. These annotations can be places via the "Apply Annotations to Document" workflow action or manually by the end users. Here are DocuSign fields that can be set.
    • Signature
    • Initials
    • Name
    • Email
    • Company
    • Title

  1. You can also use inline text codes to specify the placement of DocuSign signature fields. Add the text to your document that signifies where you want that element placed. It is best to then color the text the same as the background of the document so it does not show while users view in DocuSign. For instance, you can put \sign1\ in your document and DocuSign will place User 1's Signature field there. Be sure to add enough space around the text to accommodate the signature!

    • Here is the list of inline text codes that are supported. They ARE case-sensitive so make sure to leave them lower case.

      • Signature 
        • User 1 - \sign1\
        • User 2 - \sign2\
        • User 3 - \sign3\
      • Initials
        • User 1 - \init1\
        • User 2 - \init2\
        • User 3 - \init3\
      • Name
        • User 1 - \name1\
        • User 2 - \name2\
        • User 3 - \name3\
      • Email
        • User 1 - \email1\
        • User 2 - \email2\
        • User 3 - \email3\
      • Company
        • User 1 - \company1\
        • User 2 - \company2\
        • User 3 - \company3\
      • Title
        • User 1 - \title1\
        • User 2 - \title2\
        • User 3 - \title3\
      • Date Signed
        • User 1 - \signed1\
        • User 2 - \signed2\
        • User 3 - \signed3\


  • Use of DocuSign actions requires at least one authenticated DocuSign Application in DocMgt
  • At least the first signer must be used in order for DocuSign to accept the request
  • At least one document must be sent in order for DocuSign to accept the request

DocuSign Article: