Follow Up Actions
Follow-Up Actions are performed when a Work Item has been active for a defined period of time. These are used for actions such as sending reminders, re-assigning the item as well as canceling, completing or rejecting the item.
The Overview screen shows you the timing for this Follow Up as well as a simple list of the actions that will be taken.
You first specify the time frame in which to trigger the follow up action. In the example above the follow up will happen 1 day after the item was assigned. If you use a positive number here then it would evaluate whether the date is AFTER the selected date. If you use a negative number here then it would evaluate whether the date is BEFORE the selected date. You can also choose to trigger off the Due Date or a date value in the Record data.
You can also choose to have the Follow Up actions run on a regular interval by selecting the "Recurrence" option. In this case you can select how often the actions will be run for this Follow Up. Please note that the schedule is only an estimation. Follow-Up processing happens on a regular schedule so follow ups will trigger on the next schedule immediately after the configured date/time.
These actions are outlined in the Work Trigger Action Types section.