Work Item Field Update is used to update values in the Work Item


    • Field Name is the first blank. Enter the name of the field that will be changed. See details about the UPDATE flag below.

    • Field Value is the second blank. Enter the value you wish to place into the field. You can use the following:
      • [DEL] is a reserved word that will delete the field. This is useful for removing flag values from the record

    • Line Number is the line number to update. 
      • Blank or 0 will update the record (header) fields
      • >0 will update the line item fields for that line number
      • [DEL] is a reserved word that will delete the field. This is useful for removing flag values from the record


    • Alternate Record - If OFF, the action will update the Active Record. If ON, the action will update the Alternate Record.

    • Commit Immediately - If ON the system will save the changes to the database immediately instead of waiting for the workflow cycle to complete. This does NOT commit the database transaction so if there is an error, a roll back will still revert the field back to the old value.

    • Update or Add - If ON, this will update any current field with the specified name. If it does not exist it will be created. If OFF then each time this action happens the system will add another field with the same name and this value.

    • Only When Equals - This will make sure the field is only updated when it currently has the entered value. This has been deprecated and is only for backward compatibility. It is best practice to use the Rules on the action itself to check.

    • Temp Storage - If ON, the update will happen to a temporary Record and not the current Record. This is useful for values you only need while this workflow cycle is in action.

The Field Name, Field Value and Line Number fields can contain static values or variables.