Release Notes
Version 4.29
- Fixed issue with Importer not comparing numbers properly with parentheses are used for negative numbers
Version 4.27
- Fixed issue with Importer opening server connections for every folder it processes
Version 4.21
- Fixed issue where CSV imports would trigger updates for CSVLine data only - causing multiple Audit entries
- Added feature to upload records only if they are not already found on the server
- Fixed issue with numbers in parentheses not being treated as numbers and being converted to 0
- Add-In - Backup Files - Added ability to specify multiple patterns using ; (semi colon) delimiter
- FIX: Cannot load Add-Ins from network drive
- Changed Azure upload code to upload in smaller chunks for better performance on slower connections
- FIX: Backup Files Add-In fails when variables used in path
Version 4.17
- Added error message in the Indexing tab for any Indexing value that references itself - i.e. FieldName = [FieldName]
- Added option for Match and Merge to not add new records - just update existing ones.
- Add-In - CSV Remove Lines - Add # and !# support
Version 4.15
- Updated Active Directory connections to match updated server protocols
- Error processing lines with many decimal places
- Added logic to include line item fields in the No Format settings using LI:FieldName syntax
Version 4.11
- Updated Azure components to ensure better, more secure operation when using the Azure cloud sites
- Extract from ZIP Add-In - Enhanced to handle duplicate file names in the same ZIP
Version 4.09
- CSV Imports - changed document column tracking to be row by row instead of global
Version 4.08
Possible Breaking Change
The Match and Merge logic has changed slightly with this release. Previously, if a blank value was used for the match and merge it was ignored. This made the search match more records than it should. In this release, we changed the behavior to match empty fields against blank values using the pound sign - #. If you have any match and merge imports, please consider how this logic change will affect the way they operate.
- Blank match and merge values have been changed to match blank values instead of being ignored
Version 4.07
- Doc naming not working from CSV file values
- Importing CSV with document column could break record matching, creating duplicate records
- Numeric values can cause CSV lines not to match each other which can cause duplicate Records
Version 4.01
- FIX: Start-Up Action Dialog showing when the Configuration screen should appear
- Updated .NET platform installer since .NET 4.7.2 is now in 4.8
Version 3.48
- Added Start-Up Action Dialog to select whether to Configure or Import when opening config directly
- FIX: Configuring Importer within an Exporter folder causes system exception
Version 3.47
- Added ability to call Server Add-Ins from Importer Add-Ins
- Added tab to select columns to NOT format as Date/Number
- Added ability to import document pointers along with sync logic
- Added TLS 1.2 support for Azure storage
- FIX: Misspelling - formated vs formatted in variable help screen
Version 3.45
- Added ability to remap line item values using the Indexing tab much like headers
Version 3.42
- Fixed issue with storage SAS tokens having invalid time zone info
Version 3.41
- Added @SOURCE = Importer to each Record uploaded to adhere to our @SOURCE standard for external applications
- Line item import moving some line items to the next Record
- Records with date values not matching properly
- Added support for importing [AUTOID] to be replaced by the server after Record save
- Fixed issue where values that look like file names are being skipped
- Added more logging to POP3 Add-In
- Fixed issue where date values followed by blank date values in a specific row order would cause exception
Version 3.39
- Added Line Item importing using a single CSV file using LI:FieldName syntax
- Fixed - Merging like records not working when documents in CSV line
Version 3.38
- Added more error logging to the system for better troubleshooting
- Fixed - Barcode Add-In - Locks PDF file so cannot read barcodes
Version 3.37
- Added AbortFolderOnError property for folder add-ins to not stop processing on error
- Updated FTP Add-In to set AbortFolderOnError=False so failure will not stop Importer from continuing
- Fixed issue with unnamed CSV columns being ignored
- Added HELP tab that shows technical info
- Added button to send config to support
- Added new Add-In to Extract ZIP FIles before import
- SQL to CSV Add-In - Added option to wrap SQL text in editor window
- Added LI variable to retrieve line item values
- Added RIGHT and LEFT variables
- Change SUBSTRING to not fail on bad values
- Updated barcode add-ins to newer barcode engine
Version 3.36
- Added support for variable replacement on ServerURL, Username and Password values
- Now defaulting the "Save Config to Server" setting to ON
- Updated labels on indexing tabs
- Added option to only route NEW records (allows Importer to route records after match and merge)
- Added support for @ROUTECOMPLETE = YES flag that will complete an existing workflow for a Record found via Match and Merge
- Added support for the following variables:
- Added ability to restore configuration from server. Requires the configuration to have been previously saved to server via option.
Version 3.35
- Schedule save fails when importing in folder directly off root of drive
- Added option to not delete files when processing
- Added Notes tab for documentation about the import config
- Fix: Cloud site check not working for sites
- Rearranged the options section on the General tab to be more organized with more help information
- Fix: Backup Files Add-In - If path has trailing slash then the backup file would have first letter removed
Version 3.34
- Added ability to use { and } for variables that directly replace with raw CSV data
- Fixed issue with Add-In dialog Save or Cancel closing entire application
Version 3.33
- Updated log files to more clearly show what is being imported
- Added RecordID and DocumentID match and merge variables
- Fix: Auto value matching not working in CSV because of CSVLine variable
- Added option to set page count and document size on upload
- Fix: Importing records from linked Document.CSV do not retain their Cat/SubCat/Name values from CSV
- Added more logging and retries on document-based uploads (non-CSV)
- Added prompt to upgrade Importer if Add-In requires newer version
Version 3.32
- Added support for Sub Category on Documents using DocSubCategory value name
- Added option to import non *.CSV files as CSV. Only usable for text-based files.
- Added H or /H command line argument to hide the program while running
- Added option to set the /H flag when using Scheduling feature
- Added ability to split strings on multi-character split values
- Added INDEXOF / LASTINDEXOF variables
- Changed scheduled task creation to make sub-folders in Task Scheduler for better organization
- Fix: Backup Files Add-In is copying sub-folders' files multiple times within the sub-folders instead of in the _Backup folder
- Changed Importer to not import ANY folder that start with underscore _ character
- Added ability to add document notes using the DOCNOTES variable name
- Fixed issue where variable replacement was not parsing properly when parentheses are in the value being parsed
Version 3.31
- Changed variable replacement so variables are not replaced until required. This might affect some Add-Ins,
- Updated the Exclude Field logic so excluded fields can still be used with variable replacement and are discarded just before record upload
- Changed logic to remove all data values where name is blank
- Added ability to carry forward values to fill in blanks for CSV imports
Version 3.30
- Added CSVLINE variable that holds the line of the CSV file currently being processed
- Updated variable replacement to update document properties after match & merge process
- Added DocumentBeforeUpload and DocumentAfterUpload events to Add-Ins
Version 3.29
- Changed match and merge logic to be able to handle multi-value fields where if any value goes up for that field then we remove all and replace with upload (requires Server version 3.30 or higher)
- Updated variable replace logic and added the replacement logic for add-ins
- Recompiled with the latest docMgt REST assembly
- Updated the function that uploads config to server to include all Add-In configs as well
- Added support to Match and Merge to an existing Records using it's ID number
- Added TOUPPER and TOLOWER to change string case
- Added TRIMFROM that allows you to trim a string starting with the first occurrence of a specific break string
- Added TRIMFROMEND that allows you to trim a string starting with the last occurrence of a specific break string
- FIX: FTP Add-In will delete the base folder when Delete Empty Directories from Server" is turned on
Version 3.28
- Changed Add-Ins panel to be more intuitive
- Changed configuration screen to load Add-Ins panel once an Add-In is added, updated or removed
- Added ability to remove Add-Ins from the Add-Ins panel
- Updated 'Backup Files' Add-In to handle multiple folder levels
Version 3.27
Possible Breaking Change
Version 3.27 is now compiled against .NET 4.7.2. This means all computers running DocMgt Importer Service must have at least .NET 4.7.2 or higher to run the system.
- Fixed memory leak issue in file lock check routine
- Changed import routine to not try to import document more than once if the doc is listed twice in the same CSV line
- Removed "error" logs when checking direct connection
- Fixed issue with saving configuration to server being slow
- Fixed issue where if document being uploaded fails an empty "marker" is left on the server
- XLS to CSV Add-In - Removed blank lines after conversion
- Added in function to unblock Add-In files
- Fixed issue with PDF Merge Add-In - File names with commas not handled properly after merge (CSV issue)
- Added ability to specify CSV column that is NOT to be imported as a document even if a document with that name exists
- Backup Files Add-In now supports variables in folder naming
Version 3.26
- Updated Icons
- Changed SPLIT variable method to return from end with negative element and to return JSON object if 0 element
- Added custom match and merge logic
Version 3.25
- Added code to maintain compatibility with older Add-In DLLs
Version 3.23
- Added application path to registry for integration with other docMgt applications
- Added support for Active Directory authentication to server
Version 3.22
- Enable full variable replacement for doc names and categories
- Now writing errors to an ERRORS.LOG file
- Changed system to be able to support multiple config files per folder
- Updated TLS support to version 1.2 for better SSL security support
Version 3.21
- Added document column names and values to the data list to be imported. Previously a document column was skipped as far as indexes are concerned
- Changed "Exclude Fields" logic so that the column will still be processed for documents, linked CSV files, etc but wil not be added to data list
- Added the ability to use reserved words in the indexing screen by using [{VAR}] syntax
- Added ability for Add-Ins to set the Document Category and Document Name using the DocCategory and DocName variables
- FIX: Saving configuration with non-standard schedule may erase scheduled task
Version 3.20
- Added more Add-In events to use for integrations
- Changed way the program exits by specifically calling System.Environment.Exit(0)
- Add-Ins are now executed in alphabetical order based on the folder name then file name
- Added support for downloading standard Add-Ins from the cloud
- Added ability to not match on a field name if the value for that field is blank
- Added @ROUTEME flag support that routes the given Record regardless of the "Route Records after Import" setting
- Added version label on config screen
- Added ability to double-click the Version label to check for updates
- Added feature that will update existing Cloud Add-Ins
- FIX: Document naming not working properly with more than one doc per line
- FIX: Imported documents are being deleted before add-ins and scripts run for file
- FIX: Index data is duplicated in CSV import
Version 3.19
- Added ability to use variables to rename incoming CSV header names
- Added ability to run more than one script per script type using semi-colons
- FIX: FOLDERNAME# is causing endless loop during indexing phase
- FIX: "Save only" button is not actually saving the config
- FIX: AUG001 is evaluating to Aug 1, 0001
Version 3.18
- Added logic to leave values with leading zeros alone and not convert them to numeric. This way leading zero values can be imported intact.
Version 3.17
- Changed Import Value font to be easier to read
- Added the following variables that use imported file properties
- Added the following string parsing functions
- IF
- Added FULLTEXTFILE column option to CSV file imports to import full text searching data
- Importer now removes all leading and training white space characters from headers before import
Version 3.16
- Changed error messages to full stack trace for better troubleshooting information
- Changed logic of document import to skip files that were found at first but later missing during import
- Added more options to the OCR settings
- Config files can now be saved to the server when configuration saved for backup purposes
- Added ability to split filenames during indexing
- Added ability to split any value during indexing
- Added ability to compute IF, DIFF and ABS values during indexing
- Updated variable replacement logic to handle nested variables
- Added CSV header data to log files
- Changed workflow logic to only route Record after all its documents have been uploaded
- Changed workflow logic to only route NEW Records
- Fixed issue where blank Match and Merge lines were causing matching search to not work
- Fixed issue where blank routing was not working properly if not used in a Match and Merge scenario
- Fixed issue where [ and ] characters in File and Directory names was causing replacement issues
- Added more retry logic in specific areas to make system more resilient to temporary outages
- Added "Save and Close" button
Version 3.14
- Simplified indexing by removing the File Type specific index values
- Added buttons to pick field names for all indexing panels instead of having to hand type them
Version 3.13
- Added support for CSV line item events in Add-Ins
Version 3.12
- Removed support for 32-bit operating systems
- Removed licensing requirements
Version 3.10
- Added ability to specify Line Item and Document CSV files in the main Record CSV file (compatibility with docMgt Exporter)
- Added F1 and help button support to bring up related help information
Version 3.09
- Completed category support to go along with 3.09 server version
- Changed document upload to take advantage of the 3.09 server's ability to "chunk" large document uploads
- Added option at the File Type level to put the documents into separate Records even if the indexing matches
* Version 3.09 and higher requires server version 3.09 or higher if you are importing documents > 30 MB!
Version 3.08
- Hide scheduling tab unless Importer is licensed
- Delayed creating _Log folder until we need it so just configuring will not cause log creation
Version 3.07
- Added better external script handling
- Fixed CSV column called DOCNAME to be used to rename the document during upload
- Added support for compiled Add-Ins
Version 3.05
- Fixed issue with extra log file being created in import folder when running unlicensed importer
Version 3.04
- Fixed issue with import throwing Object Reference not set to an Instance of an object" error during import of new Records
Version 3.01
- Fixed issue with import not matching last record properly
Version 2.91
- Added database importing capability
- Fixed issue with importer stripping leading zeros
Version 2.90
- Changed OCR flag to allow for YES, NO or SERVER options. YES means OCR document, NO means not OCR and SERVER means let the server settings (Record Type Option) dictate the OCR behavior.
Version 2.88
- Added scheduling component to help automated automatic importing
Version 2.87
- Added ability to change the Document Name during CSV import. Use a column with the name DocName to specify the name of the document. NOTE this only works for one document name per CSV line. If more than one column have this header then the last value read will be used.
- Added ability to change the Document Category during CSV import. Use a column with the name DocCategory to specify the category of the document. NOTE this only works for one document category per CSV line. If more than one column have this header then the last value read will be used.
- Fixed misspelled word in Windows Explorer Context Menu - "Rest Sync Status" was renamed to "Reset Sync Status".
- Added option to delete empty folder after processing
Version 2.85
- Fixed issue with Installer adding incorrect licensing application. Licensing now is done from the license prompt and not from an external application.
Version 2.83
- Added scripting capability to allow for pre and post processing
Version 2.81
- Changed import logic to NOT re-save unchanged data elements. This makes importing faster and also allows docMgt to evaluate when a data actually changes.
Version 2.80
- Change Importer to not show black "console" screen when configuration screen is active
Version 2.66
- Added ability to retrieve the Record Types and therefore the defined Fields from the server
- Added licensing details and license code generation utility
Version 2.34
- Added Category importing capability for Documents.
Version 2.28
- Changed Importer to skip LNK files during import
- Arranged configuration screen to show sub-folders in tree view to allow for selecting which get imported and which are skipped
Version 2.25
- Changed Importer to delete locally synchronized document if it was deleted from the server
Version 2.24
- Changed Importer to delete log files > 30 days old to keep things cleaned up
- Added ability to place file in sub-folder to be able to skip processing the folder
- Now finds all config files under selected folder