The Apply Annotations to Document action allows you to add new annotations to documents


    • Active Document - Check this ON to apply annotations to the active document. This will ONLY work if the workflow is acting on a routed Document and not a Record.

    • Other Documents - Check this ON to apply annotations to ALL documents that match the Cat/SubCat/Name or OFF to apply annotations to the first one that matches. This only happens if there is no Active Document or the Active Document is not checked on.

    • Find  Documents - Specify the Category / SubCategory / Name of the Documents to annotate. The Documents in the active Record are queried and the Documents matching these values will be annotated.

    • Annotations - In this section you can add as many annotations as you would like. Each annotation added here is applied to each document that was matched above.

      • Page # - The page number which to apply the annotation. This must be > 0. If the page number is greater than the number of pages in the document the annotation will still be defined but will not show up anywhere since there would be no page on which to apply it. 

      • Type - Select the type of annotation to apply. 

      • Coordinates - There are 4 fields here. Think of these fields as "where to draw the rectangle that will hold the annotation." These are all defined as pixels.
        • Left - The left-most side of the annotation rectangle
        • Top - The top-most side of the annotation rectangle
        • Width - The width of the annotation rectangle
        • Height - The height of the annotation rectangle

      • Annotation Text (only when TEXT annotation selected) - The text to draw on the image.

      • Font Size (only when TEXT annotation selected) - The size of the text to draw on the document. This is not a completely true representation of font sizes. If the original image is small then the text will look larger and vice versa. Test some settings on new image types to see what works best.

      • Font Type  (only when TEXT annotation selected) - The font type/family to use for the text drawn on the document.

The following fields are available if you click the "Show Extra Options" button that looks like a cog or gear.

      • Opacity - Opacity refers to how "see through" the annotation is when drawn. A value of 0 means invisible (completely transparent) and a value of 1 means completely visible and opaque (not see through at all). You can also use 0 to 100 instead of 0 to 1 if you prefer. Any value above 1 is divided by 100 to get the correct fractional value.

      • Color - The color of the annotation

      • Editable - Whether or not the annotation is editable by users in the viewer. 

      • Line Width - The width of any line drawn. This will affect lines, arrows, non-filled rectangles and ellipses, stars, and check marks. It will not impact text annotations.


  1. There is an "Import" button to the right of the green "Add Annotation" button. You can use this to import annotations that have been manually drawn on a document. Manually apply and save all the annotations first then use this button to bring those annotations into this action. This is a GREAT way to save a bunch of time and guess work!

  1. Using a large text annotation with opacity of .5 (50%) while turning OFF the editable flag makes a good watermark!

All Category, SubCategory and Name fields can contain static values or variables.