The Bank Statement Indexing action gives you a simple way to update your Record with the Bank Statement data that was extracted from your image(s)

Use this action ONLY when you have OCR'd and SPLIT invoices using Recognize Bank Statement Data mode. That mode will read in the bank statement values and make them available for use in this action.

This action allows you to work with 2 types of data - Header and Line Item. 

Header - The fields of an invoice that are usually on the top and bottom of the ban statement. These include Account Holder, Bank Name,  Statement Dates, etc. It is basically everything except the line items.

Line Items - The fields of a bank statement that represent the "items" that are being accounted for. These are the deposits, checks, etc. Each line has its own data values that are normally represented in column format on the bank statement. These values can be written into the Record's line item fields.


    • Header Fields - This section allows you to specify in which Record fields to write the header data. For each data type, select or type in the name of the field in which to write the value found on the bank statement.

    • Line Item Fields - This section allows you to specify in which Record fields to write the line item data. For each data type, select or type in the name of the field in which to write the value found on the bank statement. For each line item found on the bank statement, a line item will be added to the Record using these field mappings.